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Writing Prompt: "Would you stop that?! You're scaring people!"

Written: June 11, 2020

Inspired by: @KatN68
* this is a part 2 to the previous chapter

Sang quickly closes Owen's car door and breathes out, "Did you get the pictures?".

"Affirmative. I sent Victor's, Sean's, Nathan's, and Kota's to your phone while I was waiting for you to finish with the others", Owen answers her, causing Sang to break into a wide grin.

"Yes! We did it!", she exclaims excitedly. "Now I just have to put it as my lock screen, and we'll be finished!".

Owen smiled at her lovingly, adoring the ways her eyes lit up as she pranked the boys. Now that he thought of it... didn't she say she would get his picture too?

Owen grimaced and asked, "You won't take my picture tonight, right? I mean, I did help you. That has to make up for the picture I took of you!".

Sang shrugged her shoulders noncommittally, although Owen could see the mirth in her eyes as she did so, giving him his answer.

Owen groaned, but decided to drop the subject. "Let's get back to my house to sleep. It's been a long night".


The Blackbourne team and Sang sat in the corner booth together while waiting for their waiter to come pick up their orders.

Uncle walked over to their table and greeted them. "What can I get for y'all today?l, he asked. After they finished listing off their orders, Uncle turned to Sang, "Hey, little bird, how's it going?".

"Great! Want to see something I made last night?", Sang asked him, a mischievous smile on her face as she showed him her phone.

He let out a loud laugh when he saw the picture of the boys, causing them to look up in curiosity. "What'd they do to deserve that?", he asked her, still laughing from seeing the boy's funky pictures. She quietly whispered the situation to him, and he nodded at her. "I have a plan. Just send the picture to me, and I'll help embarrass them some more", he told her, smiling wickedly at the opportunity to help little bird get revenge on her boys.

Owen couldn't help but pale as he realized what was about to happen. She couldn't have gotten his picture, though, right? And anyways, he was probably perfect while sleeping too, right...?

A few minutes later, Uncle walked to another table and showed them his phone. They let out loud guffaws of laughter and then he continued, showing it to to the whole diner. Some of the older ladies were cooing at the Blackbourne guys, making pinching motions at them, and the younger teens pretended to snore and then burst into giggles.

The boys were confused. What had Uncle showed everybody that made them react like that?

Finally, Uncle came back to their table and handed out their food. "What did you show everybody on your phone?", Victor inquires.

"Sang showed me this cute picture of y'all sleeping on her lock screen, and I couldn't help but share it with my customers! They love it!", Uncle revealed, showing the picture to them.

It was absolutely gruesome: drool
dripping from their mouths, hair tied up in tangles, and limbs bent in positions that shouldn't be humanly possible. Although, it could be said Owen was absolutely adorable with his bright pink teddy bear wrapped tightly in his arms.

The boys were shell- shocked: mouths hanging wide open as they saw their own sleeping faces on Uncle's phone. Owen has a light blush on his face as he saw his teddy bear, Snickerdoodle, on the screen. They knew exactly why Sang had taken those pictures of them and were secretly in awe of her prank/ revenge.

"Dang. That's just cold, Sang", Gabriel proclaimed in mock outrage, holding his hand to his chest dramatically. "You could've at least gotten my good side!".

Uncle chuckled at Gabe's statement then turned as the door opened to reveal a new customer. "Oo! I'll be right back! I just have to show them this real quick!", he cheers gleefully.

"Would you stop that?! You're scaring people!", Nathan grumps.

"No, please go show them", Sean pleads. "I'm just prettier than Nathan, and he's jealous", Sean smugly says, "Right, Sang?".

"Nope. Not answering", Sang quickly voices, causing the boys to snort or- in Owen's case- give a millimeter smile.

Uncle chuckles, "Okay, I'll stop now. I think you boys have learned your lesson". A collective sigh of relief came from the boys. "Enjoy your meals".

"Hmm. I guess we deserved that, but there's still one question that hasn't been answered. Sang couldn't have gotten all of those pictures all in one night, so who helped her?", Kota asks, a contemplative expression on his face.

Owen twists his tie nervously, anxious that his brothers would find out it was him- though you couldn't tell from his blank expression.

Sean's watchful eye catches Owen's nervous habit and quickly lets out a gasp. "It was you!", he accuses his brother.

"Wha- What?", Owen stutters out. "I don't know what you're talking about", he states indignantly.

"It makes sense", Gabriel muses. "You were the one to talk to Sang yesterday after she got upset. Did he help you, Trouble?", Gabriel asks.

Sang zipped her lips and looked away from the group so that they couldn't convince her to spill her secrets. "You can look at us again, Aggele. You basically just confirmed it", Silas laughs.

"Dang it!", Sang pouts. "Sorry, Owen".

"It's okay, Darling", Owen smiles at her. "The boys are just being sore losers because they didn't get extra time with you".

"You should have had me help you, Cupcake!", Luke pouts, sticking out his lower lip. "I'm your pranking buddy, not him!".

Sang smiled at him and nodded. "Next time", she agreed happily.

"NO!", all of the guys protested, North's voice alone managing to shake the table.

"Alright, alright", Luke said, holding out his hands in surrender. "No pranks", he agreed. Not one minute later, though, he was whispering conspiratorially to Sang, a look of pure mischief twinkling in both of their eyes.

As the group continued to eat their food, Sean mock- scolded Owen, "Shame on you, Owen. Shame!", while wagging a finger at him...

Legend has it that Sean lost his finger that day.

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