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Writing Prompt: "Whatever it is, I didn't do it."
"You always say that, and I never believe you."

Written: August 23, 2020

Owen stares straight towards the road as he navigates his way towards the Toma's apartment building. Kota and Nathan sat in the back, murmuring quietly to each other as they waited to arrive at the complex. Taking a second to glance at his gas meter, Owen suppresses a groan at the sight of the 'empty' signal. He quickly pulls into a nearby gas station, and steps out of his car to fill up the gas, leaving the two boys alone in the car.

"I have to go to the bathroom real quick. Want to come with me?", Kota offers. Nathan nods and Kota begins searching for masks so they could go inside. Rummaging through the console, he become increasingly frustrated. "Hey, Nate, could you come take a look at this for a second?", Kota asks with a tint of anger in his voice, motioning for the red- haired boy to look at the console.

"Whatever it is, I didn't do it", Nathan quickly says, holding his hands up in surrender.

"You always say that, and I never believe you", Kota shakes his head before gesturing towards the mask-less console. "Where are our masks? I asked you to fill each of our cars with masks last week, so we wouldn't be caught off guard in case we forgot them".

"Oh. I guess I forgot to do that, huh. Oops" Nathan admits, frowning slightly.

"Nathan!", Kota chastises him. "I gave you one task, and you didn't even do that! I'm so tempted to give you hours right now", Kota threatens, scowling at him.

"I'm sorry", Nathan grimaces. "Hope you didn't have to go to the bathroom that badly", he lightly jokes, causing Kota to facepalm.

Owen finally finished filling up the gas and returned to his car, driving it out of the parking lot and back onto the main road without delay, oblivious to the disagreement that had just occurred seconds ago.

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