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Writing Prompt: "They've taken another one."

Written: May 01, 2020

Sang angrily sulks on Kota's couch, brooding over what the guys had done.

Owen walks in and takes in her annoyed features. "What's wrong, Darling? The boys called me to come talk to you, but didn't tell me what happened", he asks her concerned.

Sang huffs in annoyance and then answers. "They've taken another one! I told the guys to stop taking pictures of me sleeping, but they have new pictures of me on their home screens already!", Sang exclaims grumpily, throwing her hands up in exasperation.

"What's so wrong about that?", Owen asks her curiously, slowly trying to hide his own phone.

"I look like a rat!", she whines. Suddenly, her eyes zero in on him trying to hide his phone. "Don't tell me you've done it too...", she says suspiciously.

"Who? Me? Never", Owen coughs nervously, trying to avoid her stare.

"Show me", Sang says in a no-nonsense tone, holding out her hand expectantly.

Taking in her serious expression, he hesitantly gives her his phone. "You're just so cute when you sleep. I couldn't help myself", Owen tries to explain himself.

Sang looks at his screen and is met by yet another picture of her sleeping. She wouldn't have been as offended if she had actually looked cute in the picture, but her hair looked like a rat's nest and drool was oozing from her mouth. "Don't even talk to me", she says stubbornly, turning away from him.

Desperate to be back in Sang's good graces, he makes up a plan. "I'll help you get pictures of them sleeping if it makes you feel better", he offers to her, hoping that this will have her forgive them.

Sang lights up and turns to him once again. "That's a great idea! I can put all of their sleeping faces in a collage and have it as my own home screen!", she says excitedly, smiling widely now.

Owen chuckles lightly, imagining what the boy's expressions will be when they find out. They won't know what hit them!

"Don't think this means I won't get your picture, too", Sang says mischievously, " I'll get a really good one of you drooling!".

Owen's face immediately blanches, and he looks at Sang in horror.

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