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Valentines Day Edition!
Featuring: Gabriel Coleman

Written: February 12 ,2021

"Roses are red, violets are blue, my Gabie Baby is screwed", Luke cooed, barely stifled laughs coming through the phone.

Gabe huffed, "Am not! You're just jealous I get to spend Valentines Day with Sang", he retorted.

"If you say so", Luke said playfully. "At least I'm not the one nervous to confess their undying love to our girlfriend".

Gabe's mouth opened to retort, but closed it again as he realized the truth in Luke's words. "Okay, okay. You got me there", Gabe relented. "Any tips?", he asked nervously, biting his lip.

"Just go up to her and say you love her. Simple as that", Luke said. "Oh! And don't forget to give Sang lots of kisses... the chocolate and physical kind!"

"That could work...", Gabe agreed thoughtfully.

"Ah, young love", Luke sighed dramatically. "Back in my day, a Valentines date was like a baseball game- with less strikes! One mistake and you're out", Luke joked, croaking in an old man's voice.

"Knock it off, Luke", Gabe chuckled at Luke's jab. He would be fine.

"Hmm... how about no", Luke teased. "Sang and Gabe sitting in a tree. K-I-S-".

Gabe hung up.

--- time skip ---

Stepping out of his car, Gabriel made the walk up to Sang's apartment. When he got to the door, he nervously fiddled with the large Kisses box and bouquet of roses he had.

He could do this.

Finally working up the courage, he stretched his hand out to knock on the door.

Knock, knock.

A few seconds went by before Sang opened her door, poking her head out curiously.

Her eyes lit up when she saw Gabe, not even seeing the gifts as she launched herself at him. "Meanie!"

Before she could achieve her goal of being koala, Gabe thrusted the gifts towards Sang, "Be my Valentine?", Gabe rushed out, nervously looking at her with baited breath.

She stops mid-step and looks at him with wide eyes- like a deer caught in headlights.


Gabe slowly lowered the gifts, smile falling. "Um...", he said, throat closing up as he took in Sang's still silent form.

Sang didn't want him.

"Yes, yes! Of course!", she finally answered, coming out of her daze. "You're the bestest bestest Meanie in the world!", she wrapped him a tight hug.

Gabe's eyes went wide- shocked at how quickly the situation changed. Not that he was complaining. He was just happy that she had accepted.

"I love you", Gabe spoke softly, pulling back to look her in the eyes.

Sang teared up, a wide smile on her face. "I love you, too".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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