3; we meet again

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Tzuyu stepped into the café, holding hands with Nari.

As per usual, she was on her phone, not wanting to look up as she would feel the eyes of people staring at her. But all of a sudden, Nari squeezed her hand, which was quite unusual of her.

Tzuyu turned to look at her, but it seemed as if she was tense.

"What's wrong?" Tzuyu asked, worried.

"Um... I don't know if I should tell you or not but-"

"Tzuyu?" She heard a familiar voice ask. Tzuyu looked up to see Nayeon.

And with her,


Tzuyu froze in her spot as Sana and her locked eyes, and she felt as if there was something stuck in her throat. She held onto Nari's hand and squeezed it, her heart suddenly racing fast.

Nayeon turned back and forth from Tzuyu and Sana, and everyone in the café could feel the tension between them.

It was such an awkward moment. You could literally cut the tension with a knife.

"Would you like to eat somewhere else?" Nari whispered in Tzuyu's ear. "I know a place down the road."

She shook her head, still shocked at seeing her again.

"It's fine." Her voice cracked. "We can still eat here. Mina and Chaeyoung are working here today, that's why I wanted to come here."

"Alright, take a seat." Nari told Tzuyu as they slowly walked past Nayeon and Sana, and she could feel their eyes on her.

Mina walked up to the table that Tzuyu and Nari sat at, gulping as her eyes went back and forth from Tzuyu to Sana.

"Tzuyu, can we talk?" Mina whispered in Tzuyu's ear. "Privately?" She said, looking at Sana.

Tzuyu nodded her head as she looked over at Sana's table. "Let's go."


I froze when I saw Nari and Tzuyu walk in. I tapped Nayeon's hand, and motioned for her to turn around.

"What? I'm trying to eat." Nayeon grumbled as she stuffed bread in her mouth.

"T-turn around." I stammered in shock.

Nayeon rolled her eyes. "Fine."

Nayeon turned around, and a few breadcrumbs fell out of her mouth in shock. "Tzuyu?"

I looked over at Tzuyu's hand and saw she was squeezing Nari's hand. And it hit me.

She wasn't mine anymore.

But my eyes couldn't stray away from her, even as she walked past us. She sat down at the opposite side of the café and began talking to Nari.

Just like how we used to.

My heart felt low as I watched them smiling at each other, and I watched as Mina walked over to them.

She whispered something in Tzuyu's ear.

Mina suddenly looked my way, and I felt a weird feeling within me. Tzuyu got up out of her chair and followed Mina, and my body dragged me along to go see where they were going.

That was before Nayeon grabbed my wrist, however.

"What do you think you're doing?" She commanded as she gripped my wrist, dragging me back to my chair. "Don't you dare follow them. You've caused enough trouble for the both of them."

I sighed and nodded. "You're right. But Mina was looking my way, and I knew for sure they were going to talk about me."

"And what if they are? I'm sure they're both mad as hell. First of all, you ditched Tzuyu for your own mental health, which was stupid because you both could have figured it out together.

Second, you didn't even tell Mina you were going to leave. She kept calling me and Dahyun everyday to ask where you were.

The only time she really found out about you was a few days ago, when news had leaked that you were coming back. So what do you have to say for yourself?" Nayeon demanded.

I stopped to think about what Nayeon had said.

Wow. I really do sound like a bitch.

I left all my friends because I thought that I knew what what best for me, but truthfully, I never really thought about how they'd feel.

My mind started whirling with thoughts as I contemplated on my past decisions.

I didn't even think about Mina and Chaeyoung, who I had left behind in Korea while I went and lived my own life in Japan.

I kept to myself and did things like build orphanages in order to try and 'redeem' myself and feel as if I wasn't selfish.

But I really was selfish.

And I had hurt Tzuyu the most.

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