4; a small talk

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Tzuyu walked over with Mina to the kitchen, and she felt herself cry for a little bit.

Her heart hurt as she kept thinking about Sana, and she felt herself having an anxiety attack.

It was hard to control herself in front of the customers of the café, and she was grateful that Mina had taken her out for a little private time.

She shuffled through her pockets, trying to find her pills, but she began to panic even more when she couldn't feel them.

Mina re-entered the kitchen and saw Tzuyu on the floor, breathing as if she was drowning.

Mina quickly picked up Tzuyu.

"Are your pills not here?" She asked, feeling around Tzuyu's pockets to find the tub.

Tzuyu shook her head as she held onto Mina, shaking.

"I know, it's tough for me too." Mina saddened as she slightly dragged the taller girl to a chair. "But why aren't your pills in your pocket? Didn't I tell you to always keep them beside you?"

Tzuyu nodded shakily as she kept taking huge gulps of air. "I...I thought I was getting better." She admitted. "B-but they're in my bag." Tzuyu struggled to get her words out.

Mina sat down Tzuyu. "Okay, I'll go get them. Stay here."

Tzuyu nodded as she watched Mina leave.

Why did Sana have to come back now?

Out of all the times, right now?

Right when she felt as if her life was being built up again. Why did Sana break the wall?

There were so many things Tzuyu wanted to say to Sana. But Tzuyu had the urge to not speak with her either. She was mad, she was angry, but she was still in love.

Why did everyone she love betray her?

First Nari, a few years ago, when she wanted her for the fame and money, and now Sana.

Who she loved so much, but was suddenly thrown into the depths of the swimming pool, drowning, searching for a lifeguard who would only come back when life came back to her.

Tzuyu clenched her hair as she breathed heavier, feeling her lungs losing air, and her mouth shaking as she cried.

Mina rushed back into the kitchen and passed Tzuyu her pills, as Tzuyu gulped them with water, still shaking.

"I think you'll need to keep them in your pocket from now on. You'll be seeing her a lot now."

Tzuyu nodded slightly.

"What's wrong?" Mina asked cautiously, not wanting the younger girl to strain herself.

"Are..." Tzuyu paused as she pursed her lips. "Are you not mad at Sana? She didn't even tell you that she was leaving. You were clueless for a whole two years."

Mina ruffled through Tzuyu's hazel hair as she sighed. "I won't answer that for now. Just try and recover right now, will you? Nari will be wondering what happened."

Tzuyu nodded as she closed her eyes, her hands still shaking as she felt the pills working through her mind, slowly putting her brain to sleep again.

After a moment of silence, Tzuyu looked back up. "Where's Chaeyoung?"

Mina rolled her eyes. "She's being reprimanded by her parents again. She's on her way, she texted me when I went to get your pills."

"So where exactly is she?" Tzuyu questioned.

Suddenly a scream came from the main café.

"SANA?!" A squeaky voice screeched.

Mina opened her eyes wide. "She's here now."

Mina and Tzuyu both left the kitchen to go look at Chaeyoung, who was dumbfounded at the sight of Sana again.

Sana seemed to be standing up, waving her hands furiously, not trying to catch any attention.

Mina ran up to Chaeyoung and dragged the dumbfounded girl away, as she pointed at Sana.

Back in the kitchen, Mina pinched Chaeyoung's cheek.

Chaeyoung scowled as she held her strawberry cheek in pain, glaring at Mina. "What was that for?!"

Mina crossed over her arms. "You caused a big commotion in the café. People were staring at you. I'm the manager in charge today, and I'll be punished for this."

"In what way?" Tzuyu smirked as she looked at Chaeyoung.

"Now isn't the time. You're too young for this." Mina answered, her cheeks red.

"I'm only two years younger than you!" Tzuyu exclaimed.

Mina shooed her to shush the taller girl.

"Anyways, Chaeyoung-"

"No. First, I'd like you both to explain everything to me." Chaeyoung sat on the chair.

Mina looked over at Tzuyu, and then back at Chaeng.

"...what about?"

"Don't act dumb, Mina." Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. "About Sana. Why is she here? When-what-how?"

"I know you have a lot of questions but-" Mina started, trying to calm down Chaeyoung.

"I can answer them for you." A new voice entered the kitchen, as the three girls turned to see who it was.

"Oh thank god. It's Nayeon." Mina sighed a sigh of relief as she held her chest. "Please, we have so much burning questions."

"And I'll answer them for you. Sana just went home because she felt a little uneasy after Chaeyoung screamed." Nayeon looked over at the short girl.

Chaeyoung reeled back in her seat, embarrassed.

Nayeon looked back at Mina and Tzuyu, who looked a little uncomfortable.

"So, where do you want to begin?"

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