30; detonate

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Chaeyoung threw her phone onto Minsoo's lap in frustration.

"I swear to god, to the bible, to that pole on the street over there - it wasn't me! I don't even know how to hack into my own girlfriend's phone, let alone send cryptic messages to my friends - how the fuck am I meant to be the unknown number?!" She stomped her feet on the ground.

"You do know you're in a police station, right?" Minsoo questioned her.

Chaeyoung nodded her head as she sat down on the chair beside Minsoo. "I know, and I will fight for injustice. I am not the unknown number!"

"Okay, okay - prove it."

"Prove what?"

"That you're not the unknown number, duh."

"How am I meant to prove that?"

"I don't know. Just, do something-" Minsoo began, before Chaeyoung's phone started ringing. "Who's that?"

Chaeyoung leaned over to look at her phone. "The unknown number. What'd I tell you?"

Minsoo sighed. "Okay, fine. But you could be working with someone—"

"Just answer it already." Chaeyoung deadpanned.

"Alright." Minsoo clicked the answer button.

"Well, well, well. I've heard a lot about you Minsoo. Great to finally talk to you." The distorted voice laughed.

"How do you know it's me?" Minsoo shivered.

"I have my ways." The voice blankly replied. "Have you noticed that it's been two months and two weeks since Chaeyoung's girlfriend went missing? I think she's getting used to life here."

"We will find you." Minsoo sternly told the voice.

The voice answered with a laugh, and then a sigh.

"It's funny really. You policemen are useless. Two whole months, and you're nowhere near to finding out what happened to Nari and Mina."

"Wait." Minsoo sat up straight. "If Mina's still alive, then who was buried?"

"I don't know, I asked someone to get someone for me. Poor thing, didn't know it had it coming for her." The voice cackled.

"That must mean Nari is still alive."

"Wow, big brain." The voice sarcastically replied, as you could hear the crackle from the phone. "Anyways, just called to let you know that time's almost up for Momo and Mina. MiMo MiMo, like the police car.

You'd better hurry up."

The call ended as Chaeyoung looked straight into Minsoo's eyes, her arms folded over.

"I told you it wasn't me."

"Okay, I know now."


Tzuyu sat down in the chair opposite Dahyun, as the shorter girl stared at the cashier.

"Remind me why we're here every single day, just at the time when I should be visiting Sana." Tzuyu sat down and played with a dog that had come up to her. "Although there are dogs, so that makes up for it."

Tzuyu laughed to herself as she stroked the fur, looking back up at Dahyun.

"Earth to cupid - are you there?" Tzuyu snapped her fingers in front of her and laughed as the other girl shook back into reality.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. What'd you say?"

Tzuyu scoffed jokingly as she placed her bracelet on the table.

"Nothing." She looked back up at Dahyun. "So are you two official or what?"

Dahyun shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. It's been two weeks since Jihyo became my wing woman, and I still haven't had the courage to ask her out on a proper date."

Tzuyu looked over at Irene, who was working at the counter.

"Speaking of which, someone else has the courage to ask your girl out." Tzuyu laughed.

Dahyun turned around in panic, looking at a guy who had come up to Irene, as if he were flirting.

"That b-" Dahyun began, clenching her fists.

"Sh, I wanna see what happens." Tzuyu interrupted her.

Dahyun sat back in her chair. "Fine."

Tzuyu watched as the guy attempted to joke with Irene, who only responded with a straight face.

Irene looked over at Dahyun and smiled, waving her hands.

The guy seemed to be giving up, unable to make her smile, and he walked back to his friends on his table, who laughed at the piteous action he had done.

"Wow, she really seems cold." Tzuyu mentioned as she looked at Irene, who had gone back to her job of making coffee.

"She's not cold when you get to know her. Her smile is the prettiest, and she's really funny too." Dahyun replied, smiling to herself.

"You're blushing."

"No I'm not!" Dahyun huffed. "Besides, you can't be calling her cold when you acted like Elsa to Sana."

"That was before. Now I'm different."

"Okay, you were still an ice queen then. At least your therapy is helping you talk more. Speaking of which, how is your therapy going?" Dahyun asked her.

Tzuyu coughed and decided to look in the opposite direction. She nervously fumbled with her fingers as Dahyun sighed.

"You haven't been going, have you?" Dahyun took Tzuyu's hand. "Haven't we been telling you to go? After everything that's happening-"

"I'm getting better, Dubu. I promise, okay? I just don't think therapy will help me. The lady is annoying anyways, keeps asking me what's wrong."

Dahyun furrowed her eyebrows. "Isn't... isn't that what a therapist is meant to do?"

"Yeah but like - it's annoying. No need to butt into my personal life." Tzuyu rolled her eyes.

"You're still taking medication, right?"

Yet another unexpected silence from the Taiwanese girl.

"Come on, Tzuyu! You can't be skipping out on both your sessions and your medications. I understand not doing your sessions, but not taking your medications? That's just-"

A ding came from Tzuyu's phone. "Thank god, an interruption."

"You mean an intervention. And, hold on," Dahyun pulled out her phone from her pocket. "My phone vibrated too."

Tzuyu froze when she saw the text, and so did Dahyun.

"Did you get the same text too?"

Dahyun looked up slowly at Tzuyu. "If it's about a bomb exploding, then yes."

"How many seconds does yours say?" Tzuyu shakily asked.

"30." Dahyun gulped. "Yours?"

"It's now 25. Quick we have to warn everyone."

"I don't think we have much time, Tzuyu. Let's just gather all the people we can and-"

Tzuyu immediately stood up and grabbed a kid who was sitting alone at the table.


The café went into chaos as Dahyun looked over at Irene and ran up to her.

"We have 10 seconds, please come."

Irene nodded as she took Dahyun's hand, and Tzuyu and the kid followed, and just as they were about to leave.


And the café fell into ruins.

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