41; the party

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[2 months later]

"Sana, are you ready?" Tzuyu called out.

Sana rushed out of the room, her hair in a mess as she struggled to put her dress on.

"You... look like a mess." Tzuyu tried her best to hide her laugh.

Sana frowned. "I think I know that."

Tzuyu came up to the girl and pulled her skirt down, allowing the fold to stretch out.

"You need to look good for my birthday celebration." Tzuyu kissed Sana's forehead. "You are my girlfriend, aren't you."

"Of course I am, dummy. Now help me zip up the back." Sana turned around, the zip down.

Tzuyu laughed as she pulled the zip up, getting closer to Sana's neck.

Sana felt the warmth of Tzuyu's breath down her neck, and she gulped when Tzuyu let go of the zipper and put her arms around Sana's waist.

"Tzu-Tzuyu - what are you doing?" Sana moaned. "We have to go to your birthday celebration - p-please. We'll be late." Sana breathed in as Tzuyu left soft kisses trailing her neck.

Tzuyu stopped for a moment as she chuckled. "A queen is never late. Everyone else is simply early."

"Princess diaries?"

"Princess diaries." Tzuyu smirked as she kissed down Sana's arm.

Sana closed her eyes. "What are we meant to tell everyone else when we get there?"

Tzuyu came paper-thin distance from the Japanese's face and smirked. "We tell them that you had a problem with your dress."

"Alright." Sana smiled as their lips met, the warmth of Tzuyu on her rosy lips.

Sana's hand made it's way from Tzuyu's neck, down to her waist as the two made their way from the door to the bedroom.

Tzuyu began to zip down Sana's dress again, before Sana stopped her.

"What if Byungchul's waiting for us?"

"We'll be quick, won't we?" Tzuyu began gently kissing Sana's neck, making her way to the collarbone and down the chest.

"Y-yeah. Quick."


Tzuyu and Sana rushed into the restaurant, the other guests already there.

"What took you guys so long?" Rose asked as the two sit down. "We've been here for an hour, waiting for you two."

"There was a problem with Sana's dress." Tzuyu huffed.

"Mmhm. A problem with her dress huh?" Nayeon raised her eyebrow.

Tzuyu glared at her, which made the bunny go back to sipping her drink.

"Anyways," Elkie clapped. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TZUYU!"

Tzuyu smiled as the others on the table clapped their hands, greeting her a happy birthday.

Heechul stood up. "Can I make a toast? I have something to say."

"No one wants to hear it." Nayeon glared.

"That means I will do the toast anyways!" Heechul cheered, raising his wine glass up.

Nayeon rolled her eyes. "Fine, continue."

"Tzuyu, I know the past two years have been a mess. Our whole live's a mess, but yours, wow. You've been through so much. You've almost died, you had a whole assassination plot against you, you went into coma - you're such a strong girl.

I'm also glad you got back together with Sana. If you hadn't, I would have locked you two in a room until you made out. But that's not the point here.

What I'm trying to say, is that we're all glad that you're still here with us today. Thank you for always taking Nayeon out of my house when she annoys me, I am eternally grateful for that." Heechul raised his wine glass. "Cheers to the birthday girl."

"Cheers!" Everyone said in sync, raising their wine glasses.

Once everyone had sat down, Nayeon stood up.

"What type of toast was that? Anyways, I know it's Tzuyu's birthday, but I have something to say to someone special." Nayeon looked over at Tzuyu, who gave her a thumbs up.

"Tzuyu helped me organise this. She's really the glue that holds us together, and I'm so happy that she encouraged me to do this." Nayeon turned to Jeongyeon and knelt down. "I'm horrible with words but-"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Jeongyeon screamed. "I will marry you!"

Everyone clapped as the two hugged each other, finally together after several years of hatred.


Sana stood up. "Well, that was a surprise. Nayeon didn't even say the word marry, yet here we are.

I'd like to make a toast. To my girlfriend, Tzuyu." Sana smiled as she looked at the Taiwanese girl, who was glimmering with happiness. "We've been through so much.

You've been in a coma, you've been the victim of a revenge plan, you've had an assassination plot against you, you've been in a bomb explosion.

I've been in prison, and when I was in prison, all I thought about was if you were okay.

All along, you were always there. If not in body, then in spirit.

I love you so much, Chou Tzuyu."

Tzuyu stood up and kissed Sana.

"I love you too."

"Cheers to the couple!" Everyone raised their glasses again as the party officially began, and everyone was happily talking as if nothing had happened.

After a few hours, Dahyun came up to Tzuyu, who was sitting down in a chair, exhausted.

"Tzuyu, I'd like to ask you a question."

"Go ahead. I'm listening."

"Okay. How would you and Sana like to start filming the drama again? The one that we cancelled when... you know? I'm going to change the storyline a bit, but otherwise - would you like to do it?"

Tzuyu sat upright. "I-I'd love to."

Dahyun smiled. "I can't wait to see your chemistry on the big screen."

Tzuyu looked over at Sana, who was dancing with Momo and Mina.

"Yeah." Tzuyu turned to Dahyun. "I can't wait to see it either."

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