25; back to basics

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"She should be here any minute." Jeongyeon tapped her feet impatiently on the ground as they awaited their guest.

Nayeon sat on another chair as she bit her nails, anxious for their arrival.

The yellow light flickered above them as they waited in the basement of Jeongyeon's apartment, with boxes and crates stacked on top of each other, being their own company.

A tumble down the stairs told the two that their guest was now here,

And she was in pain too.

"Ouch!" She cried as she stood up, rubbing her head. "When you told me to go to the basement, I thought there would be more lights than this. Not just one flickering light 10 metres away from the door."

Jeongyeon and Nayeon both glared at the visitor.

"And this looks like an interrogation room. Guys, what's going on?"

"Here, take a seat." Jeongyeon pulled the chair out as Nayeon sat on the opposite side of the table.

"This is scary, what's happening?" The girl shakily asked.

"We have some questions we'd like you to answer,

Chaeyoung." Nayeon began, her voice serious.

"This isn't funny, why am I here?" Chaeyoung squeaked.

"Aha! It is you!" Jeongyeon pointed at her.

"What's me?" Chaeyoung's voice cracked with fear.

"You're the unknown number, I knew it from the beginning! Your voice cracked which means you're nervous, so it must be you!" Jeongyeon laughed.

"Or maybe it's because I'm being interrogated in a basement with a single light?" Chaeyoung winced.

"She's gotta point." Nayeon looked to Jeongyeon, who only sighed as she began circling around Chaeyoung.

"And why would you think it's me? I wouldn't kidnap my own girlfriend and kill a whole model. I can't even hurt a fly." Chaeyoung argued, still squeaking.

"She's not wrong." Nayeon ad-libbed.

"Shut up, Nayeon, you're meant to be on my side." Jeongyeon commanded. "Anyways, Chaeyoung - where were you the night of the kidnapping?"

"I was at my house, worried for Mina." Chaeyoung sighed. "Can I go? I have to go help Tzuyu with something."

"No, you may not go." Jeongyeon stated as she placed her hand on the table.

"Jeong, let the girl go. She's scared of you." Nayeon pleaded to Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes. "Fine, but just one more question."


"How come you're always around when the killer calls?"

"Jeongyeon, you make no sense. If I were around, doesn't that just tell you that I'm not the killer?"

"But it could mean you have an accomplice." Jeongyeon pointed at her.

"I've lost my girlfriend and my two best friends in the span of a week. I don't think I need you to accuse me of something I didn't do." Chaeyoung stood up angrily. "I'm going home, and you can choose to believe whether or not I'm the killer, but I know I'm not, and that's good enough for me."

Chaeyoung began to leave as Nayeon slapped Jeongyeon's arm.

"Look what you made the girl do." Nayeon growled.

"It's not my fault she's suspicious." Jeongyeon answered back.

Suddenly Chaeyoung's phone began to ring, and she looked in panic back at the two.

"It's the unknown number."

Nayeon motioned for Chaeyoung to come over and Chaeyoung hurried to them as she pressed the answer button.

"Hello." The distorted voice greeted.

"What do you want now?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Well, I don't want anything. Most likely because you didn't give me what I wanted before."

"What do you mean?" Nayeon gulped.

"You see, I requested for two things - two things which you did not comply to and allowed to happen again."

"Oh no." Jeongyeon whispered to herself.

"You did not defame Sana in any way. In fact, all I see is her getting recognition for being such a good prisoner!" The voice sarcastically told them. "And you did not do what I asked."

"What happens now?" Chaeyoung asked the voice.

"Patience, little one." The voice let out an evil laugh. "Now, the second thing was to keep Tzuyu and Sana away from each other. And what did I hear?"

"I don't know, what did you hear? Would you like to tell us?" Nayeon laughed.

"Silence." The voice demanded. Nayeon gulped. "I heard she's been visiting Sana weekly, with the help of your dear cousin Minsoo. Boohoo. Now what do I do to you three who directly disobeyed my orders?"

"You give us one more chance?" Chaeyoung innocently asked.

"Haha. No." The voice seemed to blow on something. "Your precious girlfriend Mina doesn't have much time left. And due to your insolence, her time is almost up. Enjoy."

The call cut as the three girls looked at each other in fear.

"I told you it wasn't me." Chaeyoung told them.

Jeongyeon gulped as she looked at Chaeyoung. "I think we know now."

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