24; with you

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[A Week Later]

"Minatozaki Sana, Jung Eunbi, you have visitors." The guard said as he unlocked their cell. "Please head to the communication room."

Sana and Eunha nodded as they walked over, smiling to each other.

Sana left Eunha as she sat down in front of the pane of glass.

"This is the first time I've talked to you through plastic."

"Technically, it's glass." Minsoo grinned.

Sana rolled her eyes. "Data or data, who cares? Anyways, what are you here for today?"

"I may have some bad news."

"No good news?"

"I mean, I guess it's good news for the other person?" Minsoo thought. "For you, not so much."

"Um, before we get to that, is my visitor here today again?"

Minsoo shook his head. "No, she's been going with Dahyun everyday to that dog café."

Sana smiled. "It went well?"

"Oh yeah, that's also what I came here for."

"Tell me."

"So, Dahyun went on the date with the lady, her name's Irene by the way. They hit it off really well while Tzuyu was playing with the dogs. So since then, Dahyun's been asking Tzuyu to go with her to see Irene. Their little ritual thing hasn't stopped."

"And how are Momo, Heechul and Na-"

Minsoo let out a snort. "I'm not even close with them, except for Nayeon - because of Jeongyeon, of course - and they could literally kill each other if they wanted to.

I went round to their house with Jeongyeon one day, all I heard was the sound of Nayeon and Heechul lunging at each other's throats. Luckily Momo wasn't there."

"Why not just give them two knives to fight each other?" Sana joked.

"I suggested that, but Jeongyeon told me to stop before anyone would be killed." Minsoo shrugged. "I'm a police officer, I can place them both in jail at any minute if things get worse."

Sana laughed as she turned to look at Eunha.

But Eunha's eyes were different now.

They were sparkling.

As if she had stars in her eyes while talking to someone.

"What's wrong? You're literally frozen." Minsoo called out to Sana.

Sana snapped out of her trance. "Yeah... um, I'm good. Carry on."

"You're looking at Eunha, aren't you?"

Sana nodded. "There's something different about her. I'm not sure who she's talking with, but her eyes are literally sparkling when she talks to them."

Minsoo laughed. "That's SinB. I talked with her outside, she's really nice."

"SinB?" Sana's heart stopped.

"Well, her real name's not SinB. It's actually Hwang Eunbi. When I was talking to her, she told me that they have those nicknames so that they can differentiate between each other - having the same names and all."

Sana gulped.

"Jealous? Your new girlfriend seems really fond of her." Minsoo smirked.

"Well, she told me they were just childhood friends."

"Seems like they used to be more than that, at least from what I heard from SinB."

Sana leaned forward.

"Tell me."

"Well, when they both graduated, they moved in together because they were dating at the time. However, Eunha had to move back home because her younger sister felt scared to even be home alone with her dad.

Eunha wanted to take her younger sister in to live with her and SinB, but the court wouldn't allow it. Her dad wouldn't allow it - and they all sided with her dad.

SinB decided to live on her own, keeping in contact with Eunha and they kept on dating until - when did she tell me again?

Oh yeah, until SinB moved to America for a while to learn dance. When she came back, she learned that Eunha was in prison for murder."

"Did she really tell you all this?" Sana pursed her lips.

Minsoo nodded. "Suprisingly, she's extremely talkative. She's also really funny, I laughed a lot when she told me that."

"Okay, let's just move on from the whole SinA thing."


Sana glared at him.

"Fine, I get it. Also, you're horrible with nicknames." Minsoo chuckled to himself. "So I need you to prepare yourself for this news. I don't think you're gonna like it."

"Come on, I'm literally in prison for apparent murder."

"Well, I guess it's not that bad then. You see, your girlfriend over there-" Minsoo tried to point through the glass pane.

"Oh no."

"She'll be out very soon. They're reinvestigating the case because of a witness giving their statement or something. Also because SinB told them about why Eunha moved out."

Sana gulped. "So she's going to leave?"

Minsoo nodded. "Seems like it."


Sana headed back to Eunha to their cell, Sana's head held low.

"What's wrong? You seem down. You were really laughing with that guy earlier on." Eunha asked her.

"Nothing." Sana lied. "So how was your talk?"

Eunha grinned. "Really good."

"I see."

"So who did you talk to?"

"Oh, just a childhood friend."

And Sana's heart sunk yet again.

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