22; i can't help

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Sana sat beside Eunha as they began to have their dinner, after a tiring day of labour.

"How do you like the food?" Eunha asked Sana as she looked at the meal laid out before them.

"Before I came to prison, I thought the food would be like grub. You know, the thick soup and stuff. It's actually really good, this soup is amazing." Sana said before she indulged in her food.

"I'm glad you're enjoying it then." Eunha smiled as she looked at Sana.

Eunyoung came and sat at the table, laughing at the two. "You might as well get married, it's been two weeks since she came but it feels as if Eunha's been your girlfriend for two years!"

Sana smiled. "She's not my girlfriend."

"Not yet." Eunyoung winked as she ate her food.

Eunha blushed as she kept silent, continuing to eat her food.

"So, Eunbi." Eunyoung began.


"Eunha, yeah, um - did you hear anything about your case?"

Eunha nodded, smiling. "SinB came and told me that things are looking up, and that I might be out of here soon."

Sana's heart stopped. "What?"

"Yeah, apparently they're going around and asking family to tell them about our case at home, how my sister was always bruised and stuff."

"I see. And who is SinB?" Sana curiously asked.

"Ooh, someone's getting jealous." Eunyoung teased.

Hana sat down beside Eunyoung. "Couple fight?"

Eunyoung shook her head. "I would call it a couple fight, but they're not dating. Yet."

Eunha laughed as she turned to look at Sana. "She's just my childhood friend. My best friend, actually. Don't worry about it."

Sana sighed. "It's not my place to be worried anyways."

"Couple fight?" Hana questioned again.

Eunyoung nodded. "Couple fight."


"Sana, I'm sorry. But you shouldn't get jealous over my friends." Eunha sighed. "Come on, talk to me."

Sana rolled over her bed and looked at Eunha.

"What do you want me to say?"

"That you're not jealous."

Sana sat upright and rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'm not jealous."

"You know you're cute when you are." Eunha smiled.

Sana blushed as she folded her legs.

"So, what do you want to talk about?"

Eunha smirked. "Simple, your relationship with Tzuyu."

Sana furrowed her eyebrows. "Why do you want to know that?"

Eunha shrugged her shoulders. "It'll help me understand what you like in a person."

"Okay, well," Sana started off. "I began dating Tzuyu after we met in a bar."

"I know that."

"Okay, so she picked me up from the bar. Then I stayed over at her apartment. She was quite cold at first, and she wouldn't tell me if we had a one-night stand or not, and I don't think I ever learned if we did.

The next day, Nayeon - my manager at time time - called me and told me that I was with the one and only Chou Tzuyu, Taiwanese Visual goddess." Sana smiled to herself as she remembered. "I was a little shocked. We went on a date in a café the sunday after, and I don't know much, but I think we kind of hit it off.

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