Chapter 01: Mount Juliet University

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(Author's Note: The first chapter is deliberately confusing in design. All of the things mentioned and shown on the this chapter will be explained in detail on the 3rd Chapter! Thank you for reading my work, it's my first time working on something like this so thank you for your understanding!)

Chapter 01

"Mom? Itsuki? No.... Noooooo!" Aiden cried as he watched the car his mother and younger brother was in being engulfed by flames, as his father, flanked by his assistant stood by and watched behind him.

"Stupid woman..." Aiden's father, Carlos quipped as his assistant got her phone out to report the incident. "That's what happens when you dare question my authority!" Carlos continued.

"This is your fault... This all your fault!" Aiden raised his voice, still on his knees as he closed both his fists, his tears dropping on the pavement.

"What was that boy!?" Carlos raised his voice, as he glared at his son.

"You killed mother and Itsuki! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Aiden screamed at the top of his lungs before he lunged towards his father, intending to land a blow. His father who was 182cm tall, and stocky, easily stopped his 9-year-old son's attempted punch. Carlos easily blocked his son's fist with his left hand and grabbed Aiden by the collar with his right.

"You stupid, ungrateful child!" Carlos responded as he lifted his eldest son with his right hand. "Your mother's defiance and stupidity run in your veins! I shall have you taught how to be a proper member of the Labrador family!" Carlos said as he threw his son down on the pavement, his assistant giving a worried look as she talked with the police on her cellphone.

Aiden was down on the pavement, blood dripping from his forehead, his arms and legs scratched from the impact. The 9-year-old slowly tried to stand back up, his legs and arms shaking due to the anger he was feeling, and his injuries.

"Sir, the police, and the fire department are heading this way" Carlos' assistant Maya informed her boss.

"Let's get out of here, the press will have a field day if they spot us here, let the driver know we're heading back" Carlos ordered as he turned his back from his son.

"That family name be damned" Aiden said, wiping the blood dripping from his forehead as he stood back up, "I HATE YOU!" Aiden added before he started running towards the burning wreckage of the car.

"Maya! After him!" Carlos ordered as Maya placed her phone back in her pocket as she tried to run after the young boy. It proved difficult for Maya, given that she was wearing a business suit, and heels. Aiden ran past the burning wreck when the car suddenly exploded, the boy's silhouette being engulfed in flames.


The alarm on Aiden's phone rang and buzzed on his bedside table. Aiden slowly opened his eyes, grabbing his phone to look at the time – 08/15/22, 6:00 AM. Aiden got up, sitting on the side of his bed placing his phone were it originally was after stopping his alarm. He gave a quick sigh as he got out of bed before heading to the bathroom to brush his teeth and take a shower.

After getting out of the bathroom Aiden's phone started ringing, the sound that his vibrating phone irking him a bit, "Who could be calling me this early in the morning" he asked himself as he walked towards his bedside table to answer the call.

"Aurea Gutierrez" Aiden reluctantly answered the phone as soon as he realized who was calling.

"Aiden, are you out of bed?" The person on the other line asked.

"Yes, I just finished taking a shower" Aiden groaned as he dried his hair with a towel.

"Good! Today's the first day of classes, and the inaugural batch of international students from our International Exchange Program will be having their orientation today. As the Student Council President, and by extension, the President of the International Student Organization, I'm expecting you to be there"

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