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Dad drops his phone and smiles widely.
"Your mum has the lab tests running now. The results will be out in five days. She might come earlier."
Mara jubilates with a grin and rushes her food with joy. Grandma's face, though, is grim as she says:
"Why did she leave in the first place?"
Dad chokes on his food. Uncle Jeevan quickly rushes to give him water and dad calms down.
"It's her job." He says softly but grandma does not reply.
Mara shifts in her chair, sending me a worried look.
"I don't think it's good for the girls that their mother is away for so long," Grandma continues. Kendall is trying not say anything but I can see her type her messages faster.
Aunt San J drops her fork and takes a sip of water, as if to lubricate her throat before speaking.
"Mother she's working."
"A woman shouldn't be working so much. Besides, her job is in the kitchen."
I hide my scoff, my grandmother would probably not survive if she said that outside.
"My mum works harder than you think," Kendall abruptly interjects and I see dad's eyes widen. Grandma stares in utter shock and if the table was tense, it's only tenser. In her defense, my sister is older than she looks. Graduating a year later than she actually should have, Kendall is now 20 years old.

"The thing is Grandma, her work is not a burden, it's helped dad a whole lot to keep this house afloat. What? Do you think it's so easy to feed a house of 11 people?" Ken asks. Her tone is accusatory, reminding them all that we weren't always 11.

"Kendall that's enough," Dad cuts in. He gives her a warning look she doesn't meet head on. Instead she pushes her plate and stands up.

"It doesn't taste so good anymore, mum didn't cook it," she murmurs before going upstairs. I see Aunt SanJ look crestfallen and I feel sorry for her but she should understand that Ken didn't mean that at all.

"Your kids are disrespectful," grandma says immediately after the door to Ken's room closes.

"Mother, my kids are perfectly fine. You need to stop pointing out errors so easily, you're not perfect either," dad rushes out, losing his cool for once.
"You don't see Raman or Simmi talking back at me," she continues as if dad never said anything but this time it's Uncle Jeevan who speaks.
"Raman and Simmi are too scared to talk. You need to realize that there's a difference between fear and respect mother," he glances at us, "you kids should go to your room." It's not a suggestion, it's a low key order that I'm eager to follow.


We are seated in a circle, the light from Kendall's LED torch illuminating the room. Our books are in front of us but we aren't reading. We're staring at each other, aware of what is running through our mind.
When it becomes too much to bear Mara speaks.
"This is the first Night Meeting we're holding without them." Her words are rushed, like she wishes someone would stop her and say no. But it was true.
The Night Meeting happened every Friday but sometimes whenever something came up we'd have and emergency meeting. It used to be fun; Amba, Ken, Amara, Rohan and me. But then Rohan passed away and we hadn't done it since then. I wish Amba was here to participate in the re cooperation of the Night Meeting but she isn't. Kendall takes a biscuit from the box and takes a small bite.
"I know Mara, but we have to do this, for ourselves. It's sad to say but this house is a mess. You saw what happened at dinner." She says this after swallowing the biscuit down. I close my eyes and imagine Amba talking, it didn't seem right-- Kendall taking the lead.
"You aren't gonna go scot-free for that," I tell her and she snorts.
"She can do whatever she wants, I'm not gonna sit still and listen to a 19th century lady talk trash bout my mum,"
"I don't think grandma meant what she said." I say after a minute.
"How can you even say that?" Mara questions, narrowing her eyes at me.
"Even if she did mean what she said, she didn't want to hurt us. Grandma and mum have never actually gotten along." Kendall reasons and Mara scowls.
"What sort of excuse is that? You don't need to be a brainiac to know that the kids get hurt when you insult their parents."
I almost nod to that.
"We have to do something, for dad's sake. He's caught in the middle of this whole mess, the woman we're so easily discussing about is his mum," I remind them.
"I think we need to put her in her place. I barely know this woman and she just comes in here trying to change my world?"
I stare at Mara.
"Amara you had better not talk like that outside, whether you like it or not she's our grandma, and also more than thrice your age," Ken reprimands her.

"What if she stays like this forever," Mara asks and Kendall and I exchange glances.
"Then we're doomed until mum's back. For now though, just avoid her. We don't need trouble,"

We finally concentrate on our books, it's a perfect silence until the notification rings from my phone.
"Check it." Mara orders and I scowl as I switch it on.
Several Instagram posts from Teddy's page pop up.
"Teddy's posting on Insta." I say simply, already dropping the phone but Mara reaches out and grabs it before I can.
"Oooh. Check out this hottie." She says, showing it to Kendall.
"Ravi who's this?" She asks and I take my phone.
"Teddy. Obviously."
"No the other guy in the third picture."
I scroll on and suck in my breath when I see a grinning Luca.
"That's Luca McQueen."
Mars's jaw opens.
"The Luca McQueen?"
"No. The Lighting McQueen." I say sarcastically and she flattens her nose. It annoys me that even Mara, who doesn't attend Legacy, has heard of Luca. He's got good skills though. The mention of Luca reminds me of his offer.
"I have a friend who got an offer for a fake boyfriend." I blurted before I can change my mind.
Kendall's eyes widen.
"Seriously? Why?" She asks
"There's a bet about her. This guy knows about it and wants to help her."
"What exactly are you driving at?" Mara asks but she doesn't look at me, she's drooling over Luca.
"She accepted. I'm not sure she should have."
"Well, if the guy is decent and doesn't have any interior motive I would say it's cool. Plus those bet stuff can go haywire." Kendall says.
"But he was in on the bet too." I object. She just shrugs
"At least he came straight to the point."
" I think he only has to be as hot as this Luca guy. That's all." Mara says and I smirk. She's too young to get it, and yet, her words wrap around my head.
"You know for a moment there I thought it was you who got the offer," Ken admits and Mara snickers.
"That'll take a lifetime,"
"And why is that?" I frown.
"It's just your kinda person I guess," Mara gives me a once-over.
"How nice," I roll my eyes with irritation. So easily my sisters manage to turn my mind upside down, I can't get a boyfriend right?

We'll see about that.

RAVI (formerly Indie-America)Where stories live. Discover now