Chapter 22

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We sprinted across the gravel path and I had to shout to be heard over the whistling of the wind. "When did the bells go off?" 

"Almost two hours ago!" She shouted back, slightly breathless.

My eyes widened and I immediately kicked up my speed. The Watchers rang the bells when they saw the soldiers coming out of the mountain pass, which was two hours away from here. Now I was the one dragging Kayla along. 

"Slow down!" She yelled, breathing hard as she tried to keep pace with me. I looked back and saw that I was practically pulling her along, and it took me a second to realize that I was running with my riders speed. 

I slowed down until I was running at the same speed as Kayla, but glanced around anxiously. We passed by the inn, which was usually packed to the brim and my heart thudded uncomfortably, when I saw that it was deserted.

"Everyone made for the town square when the bells rang. We're probably the only ones who aren't there." Kayla explained, when she saw where I was looking. 

I swallowed hard and looked up ahead, where I could see the first of the stalls that lined the town square. We were about 50 feet away. Kayla saw it too, and we both put in a burst of speed, hurtling into the town square just as the soldiers emerged from the opposite side. 

They marched together in lines of 4, their hands on the hilts of their swords. They wore thick, metallic armour that resembled the ones that Edward and his men wore as a disguise. 

Kayla tugged at my hand and we slipped though the crowd to stand beside Liam and Isabel, who brushed his hand against ours in greeting, his eyes fixed on the soldiers. My eyes found uncle Hetray's in the crowd and I gave him a tight smile which he returned.

The soldiers split up, still marching in unison, and formed a tight circle around the villagers. There was one of them for every five of us, but they were much better prepared. One of the soldiers came to the head of the group, flanked on either side, and even as he reached up to pull off his helmet, I knew who he was. 

Raine. His longish, coal-black hair fluttered in the cool breeze as he handed his helmet to one of his men without looking away from us, before regarding us with his cold, pitch-black eyes. 

I stiffened and immediately looked down, dread pulsing through my veins. Eridor. I called out to him in my mind.

Young one? 

Raine is here. Through our link, I saw him shoot up from where he was sitting on the ground. I saw Rivildor pull his sword from its sheath and flit forward so was in front of Eridor. I saw Edward, Aldren, Fealdor and Erthor pull out their weapons and scan the trees with hard eyes. 

Where? Show me! He demanded, teeth bared and wings raised like he was about to take off. 

I glanced up for a split second, sending him an image of what I saw, before ducking my head again. I saw Eridor growl deep in his throat and explain what was happening to the others when they fell into defensive positions. 

Eridor, you can't come here. We can't risk them seeing you.

The vampire and humans agree with you young one. Rivildor answer, and I exhaled in relief as he lowered his wings and tucked them into his sides. But they are coming. 

Through our link, I saw them sheath their weapons and bound into the forest, running at full speed. Rivildor disappeared instantly as he always did when he ran, and the others followed into the trees behind him a few seconds later. 

A spark of panic ignited within my bones. They'll be seen. Raine has men everywhere. 

No they won't young one. They've removed their armour and they will blend into the forest and watch over you. I will watch over you from here, but young one...if any of them so much as lays a hand on you, nothing will stop me from flying over there and ripping their throats out. 

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