Chapter 10

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The two young princes were married a few years later, allowing some time to pass so they could really get to know each other. Needless to say, Courfeyrac was happier than anything to see that their love hadn't dissipated over those years.

They decided it would be best to stay out of their respective kingdoms and stay where they knew they were both safe. Though, Montparnasse did leave for a few days, not saying where he was going, but promised to Jehan that he would be back soon, at some point. He just had some things to fix.

Madame had resolved to enjoy her reign over the kingdom, finally the beauty she had always wanted she had and the stepson she hated disposed of.

She was in the middle of fixing her hair in the morning when the door creaked open. "Yes, messenger? What is it that you have for me?"

There were some menacing-sounding footsteps, like someone treading in heels. The smell of smoke seeped into the room like tea in hot water, and Madame could feel her hair pricking up. A paper was tossed on the table in front of her, and she picked it up, noting the intermittent huffs of her mysterious guest, most likely smoking something.

"'Get lost'? What's this supposed to mean?" she asked. The person had positioned themself so they could not be seen behind her in the mirror. All she could see was their top hat over her head.

"Heard you killed a kid, and your stepson no less," the person said, "And I don't like people who think they killed a kid."

"Think they killed a kid?" Madame turned around to see Montparnasse standing there, arms crossed with a pistol in one hand.

"You also hurt a very sweet little person who did nothing to you." Montparnasse advanced, the look of murder in his eyes. "No one does that to my flower and gets away with it."

Madame let out a nervous laugh. "What are you going to do to me? Shoot me?"

Montparnasse didn't even bat an eye. "You think I'm joking, do you? Step off the throne and give Courfeyrac his rightful place on the throne with his lovely new husband, and I won't shoot. Stay where you are, and... well, let's just say things will get very messy for you."

Needless to say, Courfeyrac and Combeferre stepped up to the throne very soon after that. Marius, Gavorche, and Jehan were thrilled to have their friend still alive. Montparnasse decided to stay in the area, instead of moving on as he usually would do after a job. He claimed his main reason was that he liked the housing situation that the young couple offered him in the castle--but really, he wanted to stick around to see Jehan as often as possible, which made them very happy.

Enjolras and Grantaire were able to find their own place, along with the other Amis. Their new homes were right nearby the castle, and were free to visit anytime they wanted. Courfeyrac and Combeferre wanted their door to always be open to those in their kingdom that were in need, even if they didn't really need anything.

And, as they always do, they all lived happily ever after.

Courfeyrac and the Several Amis: A Les Mis AUWhere stories live. Discover now