3 // Just Like Jess

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Liz ended up getting the Fine Line inspired nails. She and I had an almost hour-long discussion about what the colors of the nails meant. She refused to believe that they were just the colors of the theme of the album, even though I had told her repeatedly so. But with how stubborn this adorable old lady is, nothing would change her mind.

I couldn't find the courage to tell her Harry was actually my boyfriend, fearful that she would tell her granddaughter and then it would get out.

I walk through the front door of the salon, preparing myself mentally to get my workday started. Usually, if I had been gone this long, I'd be working from the time the salon opens to the time it closes, trying to get all my clients caught up. But since Harry's staying with me, I feel obligated to keep my schedule normal, not wanting him to have to be alone for too long.

"Hey, Lili!" My coworker Allie greets me as I make my way to my workspace. She was folding up a foil as she worked on her client's hair.

"Hi," I say back, forcing a smile. After being with Harry for so long, and spending practically every waking moment with him for the past few weeks, I missed him.

I missed the way the tip of his nose wiggled up and down when he talked. It only moved the slightest bit and it's just barely noticeable, but when he was smiling, it was easy to see. It's such a small thing, but it was adorable.

"So...how's your boyfriend?" I could've sworn I heard Allie ask, causing me to literally choke.

"What?" I say, coughing a few times after.

"Your boyfriend," she says again, confirming that my speculations were true. "Linda says that's where you've been all this time...with your boyfriend."

And that pissed me off. It was none of Linda's business to go around telling everyone that I've been sluffing work to hang out with Harry. I don't even see it like that. First of all, I had everything planned to go to London long before it happened. Then it was very sudden that I was going to Anguilla, and it was only for a few days!

If anything, I feel like I deserved the time I took off!

"I uh...yeah, I went on a vacation with my...now boyfriend," I tell her. As annoyed as I was with Linda, I wasn't going to lie to Allie about something so stupid.

"Oh my God!" She gasps, smiling brightly as she continued to work on her client's hair. "You haven't had a boyfriend in years!"

"Ouch," I say, feeling slightly offended.

"No no, I didn't mean it like that!" she's quick to defend herself. "I meant it as a good thing. Like, 'Oh my God! Go you. You're a queen. You have one lucky ass boyfriend!'"

I couldn't help but let out a laugh as she rambled to try to make me feel better, not that my heart was really that damaged from what she said to me.

I suck in a breath before exhaling deeply, a way I've found calms down my laughter in a split second. "Thank you."

"So what's he like?" She asks, reaches over to her little cart to pick up another piece of tin foil.

"Incredible," I tell her. And it's not like I was lying, either.

"That gives me a lot of information, thanks," she says sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "You're not gonna tell me what he looks like? Or even his name?"

"He's very beautiful, calling him godlike would be an understatement," I say, not wanting to give away too much information about Harry. "And...his name is Harry."

Allie snickers before looking over at me. "That's an old man's name."

"Hey," I say defensively.

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