11 // Ugly Sweater

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a/n: harry has a beard right now. i just know it.

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It was almost here. The dreaded day.

I honestly can't believe it, though I'm not sure why I get so surprised every year. There are only 364 days between the last and the next, but that whole year feels like only a few weeks when I look back on it. And every year, I tell myself the same lie, only to be disappointed. I tell myself it's just in my head, but then it happens again...and again. I didn't understand it. It's like...the day is cursed. It has been since that day.

My parents don't like celebrating my birthday because of it. I don't really blame them for that though. But...do they blame me? Like it was somehow my fault? I wasn't even there but... it was my birthday. Does that automatically make the blame fall into my hands? I mean, it sure as hell wasn't Dad's fault, though he tends to blame himself. No matter how many times she's tried to tell me otherwise, I still to this day think Mom blames me. But maybe she blames me so she doesn't blame Dad. Or worse...herself.

Since then, the days have gone slow but the years fly by, and now here I am turning 25 years old in two days. It's been 8 years.

I've finally caught up to Harry in years, but not for long. His birthday is in less than a month and I haven't even thought about what to get him. The clothes he wears are worth more than my rent, so that was off the table...unless I get a new job at least.

I hike up the stairs, wanting to shower after I just finished eating my breakfast. I slowly walk down the hall and into my room, in no hurry to do literally anything whatsoever. I make my way over to my dresser, getting out a clean pair of underwear, leggings, and a workout top. I had no intention of working out today, but they were comfortable to lounge in. Plus I don't have to wear a bra with them.

I had almost made it to the bathroom door when I noticed Harry wasn't in the room or the bathroom. He wasn't downstairs when I was down there either. With a confused look on my face, I set my clothes down on the foot of my bed, walking out into the hallway. I notice Jess's bedroom door was closed, which caused even more confusion since she never closes it unless Jackson is over. Her messy room was always displayed for any guests who might happen to wander upstairs.

I approach the door, but stop in my tracks immediately once I hear the sound of Jess laughing quietly behind the wood. Confused now more than ever, I softly knock on the door.

"Jess?" I say just loud enough for her to hear me from the other side. In response, I hear something drop and rustling around in the room before I hear it... Harry's voice. He was in the room with her. "Jess?" I call once again. The sounds of hushed cursing grab my attention.

"Uh, yeah?" She answers and I hear the sound of Harry whispering, but I couldn't quite make out what he was saying. I quickly place my hand on the doorknob to open the door, but as soon as I tried to, the knob wouldn't budge. The door was locked.

"Jess, why is the door locked?" I ask, panicking slightly. There's no response to me, but they were definitely talking to each other in hushed voices. Within a matter of seconds, I hear footsteps approaching the door quickly.

The door opens ever so slightly, causing me to take a step back. Harry squeezes his body through the small crack, blocking my view into Jess's room completely. He quickly shuts the door behind him and I hear it lock from the inside. A smile is forced over his lips as he looks at me.

"Hey, hun." He smiles awkwardly, his lands still against the door behind him.

"What's in your hands?" I ask, looking down at his arms. He raises his hands up to show me they were empty. I gulp harshly. "What were you two doing in there?" I ask, honestly not sure if I really wanted to know the answer.

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