18 // Sandra Dee

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Harry left for California early this morning. Hideous beard and all. He said he wanted a clean shave for the music videos he left to film, but I'm fairly sure he just wanted to see how long he could manage to grow it.

He told me he would keep me updated on how everything was coming along over there. Of course I was going to miss him...I mean, we've been spending the last month together so it was going to be weird to not have him here.

Jess told me on her way to work, she saw a sign at starbucks that they were hiring. At first I didn't think anything of it, since I wouldn't be making anywhere near what I was at the salon. But me being the barista veteran that I am, I applied anyway. I needed a job, no matter the pay, and this one practically fell into my lap.

I ended up getting an interview, and that's what I was getting ready for at the moment. I had just finished my makeup and was now curling my hair.

A soft knock coming from my bedroom door startles me, causing me to jump slightly. In the reflection of the mirror over my vanity desk, I see the door open, then Jess emerge from behind it.

"Hey," she says in a soft voice.

"Hi," I say back, setting the curling iron down on the desk surface. I turn around to talk to her.

"Am I distracting?" She asks wearily, taking baby steps into my room.

"No, not at all!" I say, gesturing for her to take a seat on my bed to stay and talk. I had over an hour until my interview, I was only getting ready because I was bored out of my mind and had nothing better to do.

"Okay," she says, letting out a sighing of relief. She takes a seat on the edge of my bed, taking a look around as if she's never been in my bedroom before. "So I noticed you were on Instagram this morning."

"What about it?" I ask, picking up another section of my hair to curl.

"I just... you haven't been on active in like a month or so. I was wondering why you decided to be now," she says slowly. It was obvious she had a question she was hesitant to ask. Or maybe she just wanted to have a casual conversation. I couldn't tell you.

"Yeah, I was bored so I decided to catch up," I explain, shrugging. I didn't really think it was that big of a deal that I had gone on Instagram. I haven't been on there in a while, so I was due for a check-in anyways.

"How's Harry?" She asks.

"He's good," I tell her. "He texted me when he landed and told me he has about a week until they start filming the first music video, but he has meetings almost every day up until then."

"Seems busy," she says, her eyes wide.

"He's a busy man." I nod. "He has one today. And the other day he was telling me how many meetings he has to do weekly, most of them involving tour and merch and interviews, and it seems so stressful. I don't think I could ever do it."

"Does he have interviews coming up?"

"A few." I nod. "Most of them are next month, though. He's so busy for the next couple months. Interviews, The Brits, tour starting...for how stressful that is, he doesn't seem too bothered by it."

"You must have to live what you do a lot to put up with all that," Jess observes.

"He loves it," I confirm. "He's always gushing about it. And the biggest smile always spreads across his face anytime he talks about it." I smile and chuckle at the image of Harry's face lighting up in my mind.

"You miss him, don't you?" Jess says out of the blue.

"What?" I ask, even though I heard her perfectly the first time.

"Harry...do you miss him?" She clarifies, questioning me again. "You've been on your phone like 24/7 and that's a little weird to me. You haven't spent an entire day on your phone in like three years."

"I haven't had this much free time on my hands in three years," I excuse, still curling my hair as Jess and I talked. "With Harry not here and me not working at the moment, I don't really have anything better to do."

"You never answered my question," she eggs on. "Do you miss Harry?"

"Yeah, it's weird to not have him here." I nod, picking up the last piece of hair left to curl.

"So you miss him?"

"Can we just...change the subject?" I ask quickly, not wanting to talk about this anymore.

"Sure." Jess nods looking down. "Umm," she thinks aloud, looking around. "What are you wearing to your interview?"

"Oh it's sitting right there." I gesture to my bed, behind her. She turns around, inspecting the outfit I had set out to change into once I was finished with my hair, which I practically was now.

"Don't you think that's a little too

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"Don't you think that's a little too...formal for a Starbucks interview?" She asks nicely, turning back to me.

"It's not really all that different from what I normally wear." I shrug.

"That's true." She nods. "What do you think Harry's doing right now?"

"I don't know." I laugh, unplugging the curling iron after I've brushed out the curls a bit. "But I thought we were avoiding that subject."

"Right, sorry," she says, shaking her head.

* * *


I stare down at my phone, the notes app open.

Number 16 - The way her hair falls. It had a natural curl to it, nothing else necessary. She would come out of the shower, and let it air dry and it would lay in prettier waves than any ocean could ever create. Sandy hills...that's how I'd describe it.

"H," I hear Jeff say, my head flicking up. "You ready to go?" He tilts his head to the side, gesturing for me to follow him.

"Yeah...right," I laugh, shaking my head and chuckling softly. I pocket my phone as I stand to my feet, walking closely behind him.

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