43 // Cyan Kinda Sus

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a/n: when among us isn't cool anymore this title will be so stupid lmfao

sorry for the wait!! but this one is kinda longer so hopefully it makes up for it🥺

(also, pay attention to EVERY. DETAIL. there's a lot of important hints in here that you're gonna wanna remember!!)

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Harry's pizza was good. Very good, actually. Insanely good, maybe...if he's lucky.

But my pasta will be better.

My mom could win over anyone's heart just by feeding them a bowl of her famous pasta, so there's no possible way I could ever lose this competition.

I sent her a text last night after Harry and I ate, just so I would have time to prepare and make sure I had all the ingredients I needed. She didn't respond until earlier this afternoon, which normally I would've found really offensive, since she wakes up around 7 AM every morning (yes, she's that type). But considering our time zones were so different, I let it slide. I mean, she doesn't even know I'm in London.

Since my mom replied just after lunchtime, that gave me plenty of time to figure out what I had and what I needed.

"Well I know we have spinach," I say to Harry, who sat on the couch, watching an episode of some British reality dating show. Something about an island...I don't know.

I was in the kitchen, leaning against the counter, staring down at the recipe my mom sent me.

"You don't have anything fresh, do you?" I ask Harry from afar.

"I haven't been home since Christmas, so not really," he hollers back, "what all do you need?"

I look down at the list.

"Farfalle pasta, olive oil, garlic, spinach, broth, Italian seasoning, parmesan, and red chili pepper flakes," I read off.

"Maybe check the cupboards," he says. "I can't say for sure what I have...but I can tell you I have olive oil and at least one of the seasonings. What kind of broth do you need?"

"Well the recipe calls for chicken broth," I tell him. "You're also supposed to put chicken in the pasta, but I know you don't eat meat, so I will just have to find something to substitute for those two things."

"You could try mushrooms," he suggests and my eyes widen.

"Mushrooms?" I ask, surprised. "Do mushrooms even taste like anything?"

"If you season them right, they can be quite tasty actually."

"Okay." I shrug, deciding to go along with what he says.

I push myself up off the counter, heading over to the refrigerator to check for the vegetables first. I open the fridge door and crouch down to take a look into the drawers on the bottom. They were both fairly bare, only filled with the spinach he bought for the pizzas yesterday and a singular lime. I took that as a sign that I would need to run to a nearby store to get at least the garlic and mushrooms.

After closing the fridge, I noted that Harry didn't keep anything on his countertop besides a toaster and a knife block, so there wouldn't be anything I needed on the counter. The kitchen (and the whole house in general) was very tidy, almost spotless.

I make my way over to the cupboards, going along and checking the shelves inside each one. Cups and mugs, plates and bowls, spices.

My eyes rake over the spice rack, reading the labels of everything in sight. He had pepper, which the recipe called for, but I didn't see any red chili pepper flakes. At first I thought there wasn't any Italian seasoning as well, but once I took a closer look, I found some.

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