2. I have never

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You are remembered for the rules you break

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You are remembered for the rules you break

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As Fred sat down on the edge of his bed, his eyes were sparkling with excitement, He had never done anything like that before. How did she do that? what was she going to do if they had stayed silent?

George Weasley on the other hand, his head sinking into the pillow and his mind whirling with questions. The scene was flashing in front of his eyes, trying to remember specific details of the girl her.

The two brothers had never seen her before. They were always out of bed at night and never ran into her. Their questions didn't let them sleep.
"Hey fred! Let's go!" George shook is brother awake. It was 2am And they were going to meddle with the DADA classroom.
Umbridge was torturing all the students at Hogwarts. They had to take a stand.
The twins got their brooms and silently walked through the corridors. Brooms only for emergencies.
"Be quick!" Feed whispered as George stepped into the classroom and changed the regular teacups to biting teacups. This invention was still new but worked like a charm.
Fred placed dung bombs behind the door of umbridge's offjce, closing themselves in her office.
Since they couldn't get out through the doors (due to the dung bombs), Fred opened the window, sat on his broom and took off with George following closely behind.
"We did it!" The twins said in unison as they high fived.
This was one of their simpler pranks, they wanted to rebel but not be expelled.
Getting expelled would only hurt their dignity, if they were to leave, they would rather drop out.

The two flew around the castle a bit until Fred saw something completely mind boggling.
"George! Look! Someone's climbing down the Ravenclaw tower!"
"I think it's time to go to bed, Freddie! You're seeing things" George said to his brother, confused.
"I'm not seeing things! Just follow me!" Fred zoomed towards the tower and George's eyes widened.
"What is she doing! She will get caught! Umbridge will murder her!" He flew closer to see a girl with long brown hair, climbing down the tower, her waist tied to a long rope which was magically anchored to the window.
"What are you doing!?" George asked in a loud voice.
The girl looked up at him but George couldn't see her face.
"Get down from there!" Fred shouted.
She froze for a second and then let go.
The twins' heart beat became faster by the second as their breaths hitched. They flew towards her in full speed but were too far to catch up with her fall, they cursed loudly, George could see her features in the moonlight but only a silhouette, his heart was beating faster and faster by the second, his Mind was whirling with unexplainable thoughts and questions and suddenly it all came to a stop,she wasn't falling.
Just a few seconds before her end, the girl caught herself in full control and flew away on the broom she had tied to her back
George was mesmerized and Fred was speechless. What had just happened? What did she just do?
Before Fred could say anything, George calmly flew to the open window to investigate.
He pulled up the rope as Fred followed suit.
They removed the anchor and kept it on the window sill. He took out a piece of parchment that he had stolen from the the classroom earlier (because he was out and didn't have the will to buy more), and magically put down letters on it. The twins left their note on the sill and left.

The window led to the Ravenclaw common room but they knew not to enter. Let's just say that the Ravenclaws knew their protective charms.
"Why would she do that though! It must be really dangerous!" George said.
"Well why not!? It was absolutely amazing!" Fred replied.
By now, they had woken up Lee who was very annoyed with the twins.
They had caught him up to what had happened and were loudly talking about it.
"So you're telling me, that if she jumped off the Ravenclaw tower, which she did, you would too?" Lee asked, baffled at how daring Fred was being.
"She's a Ravenclaw! If she were to jump off the building, she would've calculated the height, the speed, the impact of the fall and have a back up plan!" Fred was confident in his words.
George chuckled "so that's a yes? To any Ravenclaw?"
"I would definitely jump off of the tower, provided a Ravenclaw does it first"
Lee and George exchanged looks and then started laughing. They were impressed by Fred's cleverness.
"And that is why I think you should be a slytherin" lee said, laughing.
Fred threw his pillow at him and commenced a pillow fight.


As Astrid zoomed through the hallways with only one thing on her mind. Who were the two people who found her? She didn't see them but their voices were familiar.
She safely reached the knocker and sighed in relief. This was it. She had almost everything she wanted to before leaving Hogwarts.
Astrid replied to the knockers question and walked into the Ravenclaw common room. It was mythical and beautiful, especially at night.
It had bookshelves all around. There was something about being just surrounded by books that made Astrid feel calm and completely content. It was like her work had paused, she could hear her own light breaths and the silence of the night and at the same time feel the rush of an adventure, a giddy feeling from inside. She could feel a breeze through her hair when she coming out of the window that she had climbed down of. It was barely open but still gave a refreshing feeling to the room. That is when she noticed the rope, neatly coiled on the windowsill.
There was a piece of parchment on top of the rope. She picked it up to read it.
Amazing trick but what were you thinking?
We won't turn you in, promise. But you have to tell us who you are.
Write on the other side of the parchment and leave it in the same place and we will pick it up later.
Fred and George
Fred and George? As in the Weasleys. Of course! It was Fred and George Weasley! Astrid went pale. She didn't want to associate with them.
she walked into her dorm and grabbed a parchment and quill, carefully as to not wake her dorm mates up.
Her mind was fighting with itself. Did she maybe want to talk to them?
She sat down at one of the desks in the common room and started writing. Her quill flowed easily but stopped in the middle. Was she sure? Maybe not.  But subconsciously she wanted some answers.
She wrote on the back of Fred and George's letter.

Dear F&G
Thanks for not telling anyone.
I'm not going to tell you my name.
I would like to stay anonymous.
She stopped again for a second thought.
And I would also want you not to dwell into this too much
- A

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