15. Fights & Frights

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"Your face looks terrible" "That's nice of you to say!"

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"Your face looks terrible" 
"That's nice of you to say!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Astrid walked into the potions classroom to see Fred and George already standing there. She had no idea how,why or when Fred got into detention with Snape but he was there.
She groaned internally.
I don't want to do this! Someone help me, for Rowena's sake!!
"You will be cleaning each of these cauldrons without magic" Snape told them.
"Ms. Stonewall, you have a pass out of detention today. You are needed with padfoot." Astrid was overjoyed but tried not to smile too wide as she left.
She clutched her wand tightly as she walked into the headmasters empty office.
"12 grimmauld place!"
The moment Astrid walked out of the fireplace,  Molly had a fit.
"This is an outrage! You're taking this poor girl with you!?"
"Molly, calm down! She's more skilled at Defense than Dora here! We need her!"
"No! I refuse this!"
"Dumbledore's orders!"
"I'll fight him!"
There was a silence. Dumbledore wasn't here. It was onto Moody, Sirius, Remus, Dora and the Weasley parents.
"What's going on?"
"We need to leave! Attack on the Muggles by death eaters!" Sirius  put his hand on her shoulder.
Molly has given up trying to convince Sirius and they has no time left.
"If she dies, I would gladly go to Azkaban for your murder Black!" Molly threatened.
"You ready?" Astrid only nodded.
The world sound and Astrid was sucked into another place.

The 4 people split across the neighborhood, trying to find their culprits in the darkness of the night.
Astrid spotted two men, she recognized them as Amycus Carrow's cousins.
Astrid shot some spells at them.
"Crucio!" Astrid dodged
They went back an forth with more and more non verbal spells.
Astrid finally managed to knock out the taller Man's wand but the other much shorter one knocked hers out.
She was wandless. She didn't know what to do.
"Stupefy!" Nymphadora Tonks shouted from behind the shorter man.
The two dueled back and forth.
Astrid couldn't do much except physically fight the other man.
She threw punches over punches. She kicked his leg and the floor swept away from under his feet. But he was stronger than that. He threw a punch at her and Astrid fell over.
"Hey! No one punches my niece!" Sirius threw some curses at the man.
"Petrificus Totalus!"
It was over. They had won.
The three came over to her.
"You okay!?"
"Fine" she said wiping off the blood from her lip.
"Let me fix that nose for you" Remus pointed just wand at her. There was a sudden excruciating pain but it stopped as soon as it started.
The four checked for any other Death eaters but didn't find any.
"Why would they attack these muggles?" Astrid asked.
"They might be parents of muggleborns, let's try and find out their names" Sirius explained.
Tonks and Astrid stuck together looking for an clues.
Astrid found a wallet kept on top of a kitchen counter.
"Sina McCaster" She read out loud.
McCaster? She had heard that name before.
Astrid's face immediately paled.
"This is Clara McCaster's parents. She was my dorm mate in 5th year..." Astrid told them.
Astrid wasn't close to Clara but they were still friends. They shared notes in class, they lent each other books and Clara had shown them a lot of muggle things.
They hadn't talked properly in a year but they waved at each other in the hallways and occasionally talked about books.
A tear slipped from her eyes.
She was pulled into a warm embrace by Tonks.
"It's okay..." she said.
"How are we going to tell her?" Astrid collected herself. She didn't want to break down in front of the order members.
"Leave that to Dumbledore. And don't tell anyone about this" Tonks told her.
"Let's go now." Remus held her hand and took Astrid back to headquarters.

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