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Order meetings, meeting people and reading a lot of books transformed August into September rather quickly. Before they knew, Ginny was standing at platform 9 and 3/4. Molly was hesitant to let her daughter go but Ginny insisted.
"Be safe. Don't get into too much trouble" Molly told her daughter as she pulled her into a hug.
"I promised Fred and George that I'd send them a toilet seat, for experiment purposes, but apart from that I'll be fine" Ginny chuckled and the twins winked at her.
Astrid, disguised as a random witch, turned to Ginny, "Don't let the death eaters get to you."
"I think if I can beat up Charlie and The twins, I can handle a few death eaters"
"Hey! You can't beat us up!" Fred defended. Ginny gave them a challenging look.
"Okay maybe in a duel sometimes" George said.
"Fine you beat us in duels all the time! Happy!?"
Astrid smiled at the boys and Ginny, "I'll miss you!" She hugged the youngest Weasley. 
"Do me a favor, Gin, don't give Malfoy much trouble."
"I'm sorry, but did you forget-"
"-he's a git"
"I just owe him a lot" Astrid told them. The three siblings gave her a confused look but Ginny nodded, "I'll try not to kill him"

It was the same day that Astrid and Verena came up with a plan to find the stone. They sat with parchments scrawled all over the place, ink spilled on the table, some books they found in grimmauld place, some books they got from Remus and some they had to steal from DIagon Alley.
"I think we should leave tonight" Astrid whispered to her sister. She could see the hesitation in the girl's eyes.
"What about them?" she asked referring to the Weasleys.
"Well, we will take Fred and George with us, or at least tell them about our whereabouts. Sirius said he wanted to come with us but I think it's best he stays here."

The day turned into night in no time and Astrid tip toed out of bed and walked over to Verena's.
Verena was already awake, or rather, she didn't sleep at all. The two girls picked up their packed bags and opened the door which creaked rather loudly. Wincing at the sound, the two girls quietly made their way to Fred and George's room.
"George! Fred! wake up!" Astrid hissed but the two were dead asleep. She motioned for Verena to wake Fred while Astrid tried to wake a snoring George.

After many tries, Astrid managed to wake the boy up, "What happened?" He asked in a hoarse voice.
"We are leaving, now" Astrid told him and he immediately sat up.
"To get that stone" Astrid told him, "Are coming or staying?" George glanced at his now awake brother and then looked at Astrid, "Are you sure about this?" he asked.
"I am sure but you don't have to come"
"I'm going where you are, can't lose you again"

The four crept out of the apparition barrier with no trace left behind but Fred stopped midway, "what about mum and dad?" He asked.
"I left a letter for them" Astrid assured him. George walked back and patted his back and wordlessly communicated with his twin as they walked further into the fields.
"Where are we going first?" George asked.
"That's a great question" Verena said nervously.
"You don't have a plan!?"
"We do, but we don't know where to go." Astrid explained, "We're trying to find Martha Lancelot"
Fred and George exchanged looks, "She's a philosopher. She was last known to have a stone like that" Astrid explained further.
"And where does she live?" Fred asked.
"She lived in a muggle town but is now in hiding being a muggleborn" Verena told them.
"So we're starting from nowhere?"
"Exactly! You catch on fast Freddie!" Astrid stood on her toward and ruffled his hair as he chuckled.

The lot apparated to the top of the hill behind the burrow. No one was living there currently and it would be the perfect hideout.
Making their way down the hill, they all gripped their wands tightly, ready to attack whoever came in their way.
Verena didn't need her wands since she had her powers but they were much out of her control and so she stuck to regular magic.
"I got it!" George stopped in his tracks, "Lee! He's been keeping track of all the missing people. He must get his information from somewhere!"
Fred's face lift up as he high-fived his brother.
"That's genius!" He exclaimed.
"How can we contact him?" Astrid asked moving back towards them.,
"We have our ways" Fred smirked.

The four reached the burrow gasping for their breaths. It was a long walk but they couldn't risk apparating straight to the house.
Making sure there were no death eaters or any danger, they sat down in Fred and George's old room.
Verena and Fred were outside putting up protective charms over the house while George and Astrid sat inside as George explained to her how they would contact Lee.
"He wanted to start Potterwatch so he has been collecting a lot of data," George told the girl, "I hope he's okay"
"He's Lee! He's probably fine! Nothing can bring that boy down" Astrid cheered.
"That's true" George chuckled.
The two glanced out of the window and saw Fred and Verena laughing at something and enjoying each other's company, "He's in love with her!" Astrid mused.
"He is, never thought he would be interested in anyone after Noah. He was really hurt when he found out" George told Astrid.
"I'm still waiting for you to tell me that you're only like joking and Noah is on our side" She turned to George with hopeful eyes.
"People change, Astrid." He told her and she gazed at the floor and took a deep breath, "Let's get to Lee first thing in the morning."

The next morning, the group set out to find Lee.
"Did you contact him?" Astrid asked.
"Yeah, we changed the numbers on the coin to the coordinates. He should be there, we all check it everyday" Fred told the girl.
They all apparated to find Lee already standing there with the coin in his hand.
"Am I seeing things?" He asked the twins.
"Nope!" George grinned and Astrid hugged him.
"You were dead!" Lee said in horror.
"It didn't stick!" Astrid laughed as he hugged her back.
"You little shits! Why didn't you tell me earlier?!?"
"There's a war going on!" Fred whacked his arm.
Lee's eyes flickered to Verena, "And you are?" He asked with a charming smile on his face.
"Vera" Verena replied shaking his hand. He was about to say something more when Fred interrupted him, "Don't even think about it"
"How do you know what I was going to say?" Lee crossed his arms over his chest. Both Fred and George gave him a knowing look and he rolled his eyes, "She's my sister." Astrid ignored their conversation. She leaned into Lee and whispered, "and Fred's a little protective" she winked at the boy and he sniggered.

"What are you looking for?" Lee asked. They all sat in a small tent that he had set up temporarily.
"We're looking for a 'who'" Verena clarified.
"Martha Lancelot"
"The philosopher?" He asked and the group nodded.
"I know where she is!" Lee told them with a grin, "I'm going to be stopping by some other muggleborn camps and houses but you're welcome to join me, I will be going to her house" Lee told them. The twins' faces lit up and they nodded vigorously. Astrid was a bit wary of the idea, they had to get the stone as soon as possible but seeing the two redheads so happy to see their friend after a long time, Astrid had a change of heart.
"Fine, but we have to get there by tomorrow evening or I'm leaving without all of you" Astrid told them and they nodded.

Lee took them from one house to another as he questioned each member for Potterwatch. He wanted to be as informed as he could for the rest of the people.
"Remember, our first live is on January the third and the password is 'Mad-eye'" Lee told each of them as they left the several houses several times.
"Now, lets get to our philosopher lady!" He clapped his hands together before walking to a dark alleyway near the previous house.
"Does she live around here?" Vera asked him.
"Currently, yes" He replies as they walked further into the dark and lonely street.
Lee entered the completely silent house and called out for the lady, "Ms. Lancelot!?" There was no answer.
"It's me, Lee Jordon from Potterwatch! I told you I'd come back!" He shouted into the empty house. The only sound they could hear was the buzzing of a single bee.
"I have come here with my friends who were seeking your help. Please come out!" He said again.
The bee buzzed right in front of Vera's face who tried to whack it off before it transformed into a much older woman with long blonde hair and a dazed look on her face, "Good to see you Maam" Lee grinned.
"Lee, my boy! You shouldn't have come. Death eaters are everywhere!" She scolded like a grandma.
"Well this was important" He smiled, "These are my friends - Astrid, Fred, George, Vera- they had some questions for you. They're from the order."
"Well, come on into the kitchen, I'll make some tea and answer all your questions"

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