6. Detentions

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Umbridge? More like um-bitch!

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Umbridge? More like um-bitch!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~



Please reply to our letters. We only want to meet you because of how brilliant you are.

Astrid sighed as she read another letter. This was the third one this week. Astrid knew she had to do something.
She sat down on a desk and started to write behind the parchment.

I wish not to tell you who I am.
I would like to stay anonymous.
Please leave me alone

She carefully left the parchment on the window sill charming it to only be opened by Fred and George.

She was trying so hard not get caught by the two, she practically took longer routes to avoid them, usually missing the first five minutes of some of her classes.
But in some cases, it was inevitable. She had the same Defense against the Dark Arts, charms and potions with the two boys. She tried not to answer any questions and hoped that they would forget her in a matter of time.

Fred Weasley was quite observant though, not of Astrid, but his brother. He suddenly looked forward to seeing the girl in the hallways but his face fell when he didn't. He was comparatively more enthusiastic to go into potions class. Fred knew George had fallen for this girl, but they had only met her twice, how could this happen so quickly? Maybe he just wanted to make new friends. Fred convinced himself.


Umbridge had come up with many new rules to completely ruin the school. She had been inspecting classes and giving out detentions for the smallest mistakes.
Astrid was safe from her wrath until George Weasley wrecked it for her.

Astrid, not taking any risk, walked into the Defense against the dark arts classroom at her earliest. She seated herself in her usual spot waiting for Noah.
"Hello Astrid" A voice came. She looked up to see a redhead standing before her.
I hate my life
"Hello George" She said coolly. George never understood how she could differentiate between the twins but that was one of the many things he found fascinating about her.
She wanted to ask him why he was hovering above her but before she could, George seated himself next to her.
"I actually saved this seat for my friend, Noah" Astrid said wanting to shove him off her shoulders.
"But he is sitting right over there, with my brother" George pointed, Noah smiled at the girl with a wide grin.
Astrid was ready to walk up to Noah and drag him back to sit with her but she had just been wrong with the timings lately. Umbridge entered the room to start the lesson.
"Psst. Astrid!" George nudged her.
"Let me focus Weasley!"
"I just wanted your help with this spell"
"In the middle of class!? Ask the teacher!" She whispered back.
George scoffed at that response.
Astrid was frustrated with the boy, "Let me focus George!" She said in her normal voice.
By now the whole classroom was staring at her.
"Detention Ms. Stonewall!" toad faces woman chuckled.
George Weasley was silent the rest of the class, trying not get his bench mate in trouble.
The moment the bell rang, he grabbed Astrid's wrist and let her to the front of the room.
"Professor..I would like to take credit for the trouble caused in class today"
"You mean, Blame" Astrid gave him a pointed look.
"Very well, You both May come to detention" Umbridge said giving a fake smile.

Astrid pulled her hand away from George and walked out of the room in anger.
"You just made it worse Weasley" she said just before she disappeared from behind the door.
George Weasley knew exactly what to do to make sure he said with Astrid for the DADA class.
He practically begged Noah to sit with Fred who didn't need much convincing after all.
The moment Noah saw Fred Weasley, his eyes went wide and face went red.
"Please! Let me sit with Astrid"
"You can sit with my brother, he's pretty fun you know!"
Noah turned his head to where Fred was sitting. Though Fred and George were Identical, Noah felt his face become hot at the sight of the redhead that was sitting behind Lee.

Noah walked up to Fred and explained the situation.
"You're welcome to sit here mate!" He said with the widest grin.
"Thank you.." Noah said timidly.
Fred was an outgoing lad and had quickly taken Noah under his cape.
He talked to the boy, tried to get to know him, by the end of class they had become friends, well sort of.
Noah was completely smitten with Fred Weasley's charm.
"I'll see you later then?" Fred has asked him once class was over.
Noah was on top of the world. Fred really wanted to see him again? This boring ravenclaw?
"Y-yeah" He struggled to get his words


"So we're on for today, right Georgie?" Lee asked him, they were seated in the great hall for lunch.
"Can't, I have detention with umbridge " he said plainly.
"I thought it was just Stonewall!" Lee retaliated.
"Well, I sort of got myself into it after I told umbridge that I was the one to blame"
"You confessed to a mistake!?" Lee dramatically gasped.
George simply shoved him lightly. "So, Did Noah talk much with you lot or was it just really awkward?" George asked Fred. "He's quite fun actually!" Fred started to tell George what they talked about but George could only see the way his brother's eyes lit up as he talked about the Ravenclaw boy.


"You both will be writing lines" Umbridge explained to the two students.

Astrid was furious. So much for never seeing George Weasley again. He was not one to leave her alone. She had to figure out a way to get rid of him. Though it was bad, Astrid was happy to go to detention. It was the perfect way to let loose of George.

"You will be using my special quills" Umbridge chuckled in a high pitched tone.

Astrid knew what these quills were. She had seen other students cry in pain due to these. Her hand resisted but she managed to write down the lines. Each word burned her skin and scarred her arm. Tears were threatning to roll out of Astrid's eyes but she held them in. Her eyes flickered to George's arm. Unlike Astrid's, he had several sentences engraved into his arm.

He had been to this torturous punishment before and still took the detention with Astrid when he could have easily gotten away with it.

Astrid's heart melted. He barely knew her and yet was ready to experience this for her. She wanted to hold his hand again, she wanted to hug him tight because she missed him but her mother forbid her from doing so.

"you can't reverse the forgetfulness spell without torture." Alyysa Stone wall told the 14 year old

"But mum, why can't I re-introduce myself to them?" The girl asked with tears rolling out of her eyes.

"You can," Alyssa said, " But you won't live past the guilt of it. It will eat you alive" The woman knew that she was scaring the teen girl but she also had to protect her daughter

No. Astrid knew she wouldn't be able to live with the guilt of obliviating the Weasleys. She had to get out of his mind and sight.

"I'll walk you back to your common room" George told her once detention was over. His arm as killing him but Astrid was a good distraction from it.

"Look George, I appreciate you accompanying me to this torture, but it was your fault to begin with. I have been trying to stay as away as possible from this pathetic excuse for a teacher and I would like to keep away from any detention with her or anyone else. I have to focus on my N.E.W.T.S. Please leave me alone" And with that, Astrid walked into the darkness of the halls.

Thanks for reading so far!
I am not super proud of this chapter, but I guess it just helps push the story a little further.
Aisla Wrenn

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