5. The other half

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You're flowing through my mind like a river

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You're flowing through my mind like a river

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Astrid was seated in the common room after her "date" with Lewis, spilling all the details for her friends.
"You actually told him this was a one time thing? He must be heartbroken!" Noah said.
"I didn't want to lead him on! I'm not interested in him." She explained. "He is a charming man though, I must say" Astrid's cheeks were pink as she complemented the bloke.
Dana laughed and Noah gave her a smile. "But we are still friends." Astrid explained.

Noah soon got up and departed to his common room saying he was too tired. Dinner wasn't until 2 hours later and so Dana decided to get some rest too.
Astrid was happily reading a book she had checked out of the library the same day when an owl came sweeping into the common room dropping a letter right over her book.

Dear miss Stonewall
I understand your you mean well. You are a bright witch and highly skilled in Defence against the Dark arts.
No member of the order has any objection to your part in it but I would suggest you to run it by your mother.
If you're still keen on joining, you can join me to the meetings every Friday night after school at 7 pm.
Albus Dumbledore

The girl was overjoyed and felt absolutely ready for whatever came in her way. She thought about asking her mother but dropped the plan when she realized that her mother would never allow her to do such a thing, put her life in danger and become her father.

Astrid turning 18 in December knew her mother had no control over her even in the muggle world. Don't get her wrong, Astrid and her mother were very close, but her they wanted different things. Her mother was only trying to protect her while Astrid was trying to do the same, they just had different approaches towards it.

It was almost time for dinner. Astrid stood up from her spot on the floor, the moonlight shining through the windows behind her had given her enough light to read.
She glanced around as she noticed there weren't many people, maybe she was late for dinner. Astrid has lost track of time completely submerged in her book.
She glanced at the window beside her to see a letter addressed to her.
Does that stand for your name or Anonymous?
Did you come to the meet today? Hopefully you did.
We will track you down, not in a creepy way though.


When Astrid read that letter, she almost wrote back. She wanted to tell them who she was. She was in war with her own thoughts.
Suddenly her stomach grumbled. What time is it? She thought. Astrid found a pocket watch on one of the study tables only to find out that it was well after dinner time. 

Why didn't her friends remind her of the time? Did they go for dinner? Astrid was in a daze, she was so engrossed into the reading, she didn't realize what was happening around her. 
She picked up her wand, threw away the letter and walked out of the common room.

"Hello old friend" she said to herself as she tickled the pear in front of her.
Walking into the kitchens, she was greeted by Dobby, winky and some other elves.
"Would you mind if I ask you for some dinner? I missed it, too busy reading" she told Dobby.
"Dobby would be happy too Ms.Stonewall" He said.
Soon Dobby came back with a plate of mashed potatoes, some grilled chicken and some veggies. She thanked Dobby and her left her to it.
"Enjoying the food, are we?" A voice came up from behind her. Astrid almost jumped up dropping her food all over the floor, almost.
"You gave me a fright!" She said bringing one hand to her heart.
"Just her for a snack" George Weasley said grabbing a muffin that was laying on one of the slabs.
Astrid internally groaned. Why?
She wanted to cry out of frustration but held herself back.
"I am just about to leave.." she said as she put the slightly filled plate onto one of the counters.
"Don't worry, you can stay, I won't rat you out" George smirked.
"It's way past curfew.."
"So?" George asked as he shrugged his shoulders. Astrid ran out of excuses and sat back down.
So much for being a Ravenclaw. Couldn't even come up with a valid excuse. If I tell him I want to go, he will ask me questions! Ugh! I hate my life!
"I saw you at the meet for Dumbledore's Army today" George broke the awkward silence.
"Oh, well someone has to take umbridge down right!?" Astrid replied. "Where is your other half?"
" You hurt me Stonewall! I reckoned you fancied me more!" George wiped away his fake tears.
"I don't fancy either of you" Astrid said cracking up a smile.
"Well, you will! I'm pretty like able" He winked at her.
Astrid felt so good talking to him again, feeling carefree again, just being. Her life had taken a plot twist in her second year which she never really recovered from. She lost her friends, she lost her regular life and always had to stay on the down low.
"I have to get back to my dorm" Astrid told George after chatting up with him for a while. He really didn't Remember her and she didn't want to get too attached to him.
"I'll walk you" He said standing up.
"No!" She said pointedly. George raised an eyebrow at the girl.
"You need to get back to your own dorm before you get caught" She explained.
"Don't worry about me"
Astrid sighed, she knew he knew all the secret passages. It wouldn't hurt to say a proper goodbye since she was never going to talk to him again.
Astrid gave up trying to fight with her thoughts and let George walk her back to the tower.
"I always run but never walk
I often murmur but never talk
I have a bed but never sleep
I have a mouth but never eat"
The knocker asked its riddle.
Astrid thought for a second, repeating the words under her breath but before she could say anything, George answered it for her.
"It's a river" he said confidently.
The door opened for the dumbstruck Ravenclaw.
"What would you do without me!?" He said with a wink before he faded into the darkness of the hallway.

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