Who Is This Guy?

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About ten minutes later we arrive at a golden gate surrounded by a very bright background. As we're approaching the gate I see a man that looks like he's in his mid to late 30's. I turn to Sigmund and see him smiling like a madman. All of a sudden I hear him ask Isa, "Do you know who that is?" Isa turns to me with a confused look on her face.

"Isa obviously told by the background and the big golden gate in front of us. That we are in a Christian's idea of Heaven. So I would assume that that is Saint Peter," I explained to her.

"Very good Maria," Sigmund compliments me, "Smart and cute, I like that."

"Okay, enough of the games tell us what is going on," I scream at him. After I yell at Sigmund I see Peter turn around and look at me and start laughing.

"Got a feisty one there, don't you Sigmund?" Peter asks as he starts walking toward us.

"Pete don't get too close these are candidates, I don't know the strength of their auras yet," he tells Peter, Peter steps away gingerly.

Peter interrogates Sigmund, "Why would you bring them this way instead of through Candidate Hall?"

"They have to see Liam, he wants to speak to them before they start their training," He informs Peter as we start walking again. Not soon after walking by Peter I feel as if I had gotten a sudden burst of energy. While I'm looking around trying to figure out why I see Isa fidgeting with her fingers.

I start accessing my telepathic bond with Isa to ask her a few questions, "Are you okay? Did you feel that sudden rush of Energy too?"

All I hear back in return is a quick "Yes."

After about five more minutes of walking through what looks like rows and rows of the same houses, We finally appear in front of a large golden door. Sigmund knocks three times in rapid succession then waits a few seconds and then knocks again. The door slowly opens, "Gabriel it's me," Sigmund says trying to reassure the angel at the door, "Stay as far away as you can from Gabe here." He tells us cautiously.

"Why," Isa and I both asked simultaneously, as we asked our question the door opens wider. We see a gentleman wearing a black robe and a golden sash. I can feel an extremely powerful aura coming from him but I choose to move forward instead of backwards.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," He states warning me, " Do you not remember your scriptures?" He asks me another question as I step closer to Gabriel "Can you not recognize the right hand of God?"

"That explains why his aura is so strong," I think to myself. I feel like I've met this angel before and not just in the teachings. Gabriel reaches for my hand, just as he does Sigmund pulls me away.

"Gabriel, I can't allow you to touch them at least not until after they have met with Liam first. I haven't had the chance to test just how strong their auras are yet," Sigmund scolds Gabriel.

"Are you sure you aren't his boss?" I ask sarcastically.

"Right now I am because I was given specific orders to make sure you make it to Liam alive and in one piece. Well, he didn't specifically say alive because in order for you to survive I had to bring you to the spirit realm," Sigmund says informing us. We continue walking behind Sigmund. We walk into a room lined with bookshelves with thousands of books on them. In between the cracks of the bookshelves I can see golden wallpaper which tells me that this is Liam's personal library. We continue walking for a few more minutes. I turn to look at Isa, she looks extremely frightened. Her eyes look sullen and she looks lost in her surroundings. I decide not to bother her. I look at Sigmund as he's guiding us down the halls toward Liam's chambers. I hadn't noticed it before but he has changed clothes again since we've been here.

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