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' Im looking for you everywhere, Why you here alone? You should ask me to come with you if you want to walk around. Its dark. ' He said while pushing my swing lightly.

' I just want to get some air. By all mean we both know you have someone you should care, so don't even begin. ' I said not look back at him.

' About that, I'm sorry for not telling you when I visited you last time that I have a girlfriend. You must be surprised.'

' well congratulations '

' Well, lily. I don't know why but I feel like you've been distance.a '

' No, I'm not Benz. We just growing up I guess ' Then he sit down with one knee on the sand in front of my swing look at me in the eyes with his hand o both side of the swing.

'I know you're sulking Ly'

' Nothing, lets go back home.'

' Not until you stop mad at me ' We start a stare down contest silently for a bout 10 min. We both start to crack a smile.

' Okay,you win. Let's go home ' I give him my fake smile. I just want some alone time thats all, but He won't stop looking at me. It's getting harder for me not to jump into his arm to hug him with all my heart that miss him so bad the last one year. So I need to stay in safe distant from him before I do something stupid.

' Come here ' He open his arm for me to hug him with his pretty smile. He doesn't know what he get himself into at all. So thats how my safe distance kind of break though,I decide to take whatever I can for now. I just dive into his arm and breath in his scent, my favorite scene. We're standing there in silent with him putting my head lightly for a while before we walk back home hand in hand talking about some old story that we shared in childhood.


After dinner, we decide to watch some movie in my room later. So now I am getting ready for my night routine before Benz comes over for movie. I wear my pink pjs shorts and oversize t-shirt while letting my hair down.

Just as I'm towel drying my hair, Benz walk in with popcorns in his hand. He stop half way looking at me and smile. He only wear his sweatpants no shirt. He only make it hard for me not to go all touchy with him.

'Hey, if you're not done I can come back later? '

' Nah, I'm done. Lets watch movie. '

We settle on the couch together in a safe distance of course with popcorn in the middle. Then its begin of war when he want to watch movie but I want to watch Korean series.

After about 20 min I win. We are watching '' The king eternal monarch '' staring the hottest lee min ho of all. Just few episodes into drama there goes Benz .

' Why don't we just watch movie Ly?'

' Because I need some eyes vitamin Benz'

' What?, remind me why I bother to ask you.'

' I mean would you look at his handsome face, muscular body and his smile, wow how can someone be so perfect, that is not fair.'

' Ly, Don't even begin. I guess I just stuck with you' He side glance at me with a very lazy smile before shaking his head.

I give him my big smile. It feel like forever since we hangout together like this. I really miss him, miss us.

I focus on the series for so much that I get a little startle when he suddenly lay on his back and use my lap as his pillow smiling at me.

I look down at his smile and he look so handsome and innocent. I play his hair lightly and tracing his forehead ,his brow, then his nose... suddenly I want to kiss him. I start to wander if his lip would be soft like it looks. I wander how he would taste like.

' Isn't it hot here? ' he touch my cheek lightly. I flinch and snap his hand away. I swear he is teasing me. he know me too well.

' Don't touch my face. your hands are dirty. I don't want acne. ' I whisper scold and faking mad at him when in reality I'm mad at myself , my heart and biggest part my hormone.

' Should we sleep over tonight?' he asked me with his puppy eyes and a bit too innocent eyes. Who know when we will hangout like this again.

' Sound good to me. I miss my brother too. ' I said and nob my head at him.

' Should we turn off tv now, I feel like its already late night?'

'Okay, I am sleepy too.'

We settle on my bed with him by my side. we're staring at ceiling and talking nonsenses. sometime we laugh. Sometime we would steal glance at each other for brief moment.

Suddenly he sit up and start tickling me. I scream and laugh and beg him to stop trying to fight him off, when he catch my wrist put it on my head with him still straddle me.Then he pause for a moment. we paused there just staring at each other.

He slowly lean down to me and just before our lip touch, he seem not sure so I decide to push my lip up to kiss him. He freeze for moment before kissing me back slowly with passion and its getting hot.

He lets go of my hand so I snake my hand around his neck and playing his hair. His hand on my back now. While I get lost in his kiss, he abruptly stop and stare at me confused. Then he get up and leave my room so fast like his ass on fire without looking back at how I feel anymore.

Oh fuck. Damn it. How am I gonna look at him tomorrow.


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