Chapter 14

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Chaeryoung'S POV

Jihyo remained silent during our drive to the hospital. I knew that she is really pissed of with her sister's behaviour in which, I could say that it went overboard.

Yeji tried to initiate some conversation with Jihyo's sister. She asked a few questions as if she is interrogating her. She is really soon-to-be-lawyer.

"So, Hyunjin. Don't you even want to apologise to them for what you have done before? You had put them into a really big trouble. They are even put into the lock up!" Jihyo suddenly flared after a few minutes have passed after Yeji stopped 'interrogating' her.

I could clearly see Hyunjin jolted lightly, maybe due to shock as Jihyo suddenly shouted at her. Oh, my GodJihyo, she is really a mad woman. Jihyo is too scary when she is filled with anger.

"I am sorry, Yeji, Chaeryoung. I have put you into troubles. How can I make it up to you from my faults?" she apologised to us with a low voice.

Yeji let out a defeated smile and say, "nothing."

I never expected this to come out of Yeji's mouth. And now, I knew that she is really pissed off as she is not someone who could really turned anybody down.

Jihyo let out a sigh and again, apologised to us. She glanced at us through the rear mirror.

"It is okay, Jihyo. It is not your fault at all. I am okay. I am worried with Yuna. She broke her leg. This must be difficult for her." Yeji let out a heavy sigh before closing her eyes. She then leaned over my shoulders. I put my arms over her, patting her side.

Speaking of Yuna, I am also too worried about her condition. It must be hard on her. How will she cope with everything in the future? Yes, it is not like her legs are being amputated or what, but since she couldn't move much, she will in need of other's help to commute. And to make it worse, she is not the type to easily accept other's help even though she is struggling.

The one-hour-drive from the police station to the hospital ended. We rushed to the counter and asked on Yuna's whereabouts.

The nurse said that Yuna's operation had ended and now she is resting in her room. After getting her room number, we rushed to the said room and we were shocked to see the room is empty. We are about to go to other room as we thought that we have entered the wrong room, not until Hyunjin suddenly exclaimed, "isn't that is Yuna's shirt?" while pointing on the table that is located next to the bed.

"Yes, it is Yuna's. But where is she?" I confirmed that the shirt belonged to Yuna before wandering around the small room to trace Yuna's existence.

Jihyo, Yeji and Hyunjin scattered outside the room to search for Yuna meanwhile I am assigned to wait for her to come into the room.

My heartbeat stopped when suddenly the toilet's door was opened from inside. A few seconds passes, but no one walked outside of the toilet. My scared mind have wandered and remembered all of the ghosts that is said to be in the hospital. I started to shiver in fear, not until Yuna's head popped out of the door.

"Oh hey, Chae! I didn't know that you are released by the police." Yuna said and smiled before walking towards the only bed in the room. 'WAIT! SHE WALKED? THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH HER LEG?'

"What is wrong, Chae? Is there something on my face? Where are the others?" Yuna asked with a confused look.

I walked towards her and take a seat on her right, beside her bed.

"Nothing is wrong. I am shocked to see that you are walking healthily. The police informed us that you broke you right leg. And the answer for your last question, the other three are outside to search for you. We thought you will run away again, because you couldn't accept the fact that your leg is broken."

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