chapter 2

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1:23 Indian Ocean February 2nd(flashback)

The crystal blue water rushed against my face as I swam towards the man who was pouring toxic liquids in the water. I dove deeper into the water and directed the other mermaids who were still at the sight of the leak to safety. I rose from the water using the wind spirit to help me. I looked upon the man who was torturing my people

“You will stop this instant and face the consequences for disturbing the peace of the seven seas.”

“HA Nala I was wondering when you’d come, do you like what I've  done?”

“So you wanna play games with me lets play”.

I dove back into the water, closed my eyes, and felt the change. I spread my arms and lifted my hands. The water around me began to swirl and shot up. I used my hands to control where the water went. A strong blast hit the boat, destroying it and knocking the man overboard. I quickly turned my head and swam towards him. I used the wind spirit and began to suck the air out of his lungs while using my other hand to clean up the leaking poison before it spread too quickly. I let go of the man and used the water element to aggressively push the man against a rock and used my wind power to wrap seaweed tightly around him. Then I swam towards him with a smile on my face

“Now what shall I do with you”, he didn't respond, I laughed.''Cat got your tongue”?

I came face to face with him and caressed his cheek

“This is what happens when you mess with the people of the seven seas, bitch.”

While I was leaving that man to die I wondered what my people would think of me. Would they think I was a monster or evil? No of course not I just saved them again. But what would my father think? I promised him I wouldn't kill anyone, but he deserved it. He tried to hurt my people, yeah im leaving him I don't care. But then I turned around just as he passed out and began to inhale the water, I looked at the ring my father gave me and kissed it,” ok you're right, let's go get him”. I rushed over to the man and untied him and brought him to shore. I used the fire element to hover over my tail to dry off faster. Once I was dry I looked over the man and scrunched my face, “I can't believe I'm doing this right now”. He abruptly woke up after I punched him in the nose, “What was that for.”

“You tried to murder my people so I was gonna kill you but since I'm a nice ass person I saved you, you're welcome but im still gonna punish you in some way.”

“Hahaha, you're weak, you can't even kill me and I wanted to destroy your whole population. How fucking pathetic.”

“Do you have some sort of death wish”

“I am the evilest man alive and after I heard of the great Nala Waters I had to come to see you for myself but’re pathetic.”

He was right, this man, this stupid idiot annoying man was right. He’d almost killed innocent merfolk and I was going to retaliate by having him put in jail, no that wouldn't be enough I'd have to do something to show him that I am greater than what he heard I am Nala Waters protector of the seven seas and I will not be disrespected, knowing my father wouldn't want me to do this I put my ring in my shirt so he couldn't see. I placed my hand in the sand and felt the earth moth as the vine grew from under it. I moved my hand to the right guiding the vine to wrap around him. Then I placed my hand on his chest while my eyes changed to a deep red. I scrunched my face as the smell of burning flesh began to irritate me.

“Who’s weak now huh?”


“You dare laugh”, I pressed harder and as my anger rose the heat intensified

“AAAAAAAAAAAH, oh yeah there she is, AAAAHHH”

My eyes changed back, as he died soon after that, I slammed my fist against the ground causing it to break and pushed him. I stood up, dusted off my clothes, and brought my hand together so the hole would close then I put my ring back on. I looked back at the ocean and smiled before running as fast as I could before my transformation happened into shallow water. Once it was deep enough the water swirled around me. My legs came together and were replaced with my navy blue tail. My arms raised and water swirled around my chest then my black bikini top reappeared and the water began to calm. After my transformation was complete I moved my long kinky hair out of my face and swam towards my home.

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