She tells herself
She didn't believe
In the trivialities of love
But when he
Looked her way
As he set foot
On the whites of the pedestrian
She swears that
Those eyes
That smile
His hair tussled
By the wind and cars
Passing by
And by that smirk
On his face
And twinkle of a wink
In his eyes...
She really swears,
Time paused.
No, it didn't stop like they say.
It paused.
To prod
To tell her
That these trivialities happen.
And they happen too fast.
Yet for the first time,
She wished that it...
Would stop.
For that moment.
For them.
So he too, could see the bliss in her eyes.
And speak of all the things
He finds beautiful in her
Like what she's doing now.
>> saw a "familiar face" today. nostalgia kicked in and reminded me of this piece i kept in a nook. funny how things have changed, indeed. :>
Starry Dreamy Nights
PoetryLiterary musings from a dreamer's starry nights and the unsleeping mind. •• updates at the wee hours of the night ••