What did you expect to happen?

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Kaito wasted no time bringing Yuma to the Arclight residence. The fox twisted and whimpered in his arms obviously in pain. He didn't know what Mizeal had done by breaking the cursed pendant, but it obviously also injured him.

The window on the balcony was already open, the oldest of the three brothers also being a form of bird spirit he tends to want to stretch his wings. Kaito was worried that Quinton would not be in at the moment. Entering through the open window the Tengu looked around. His eyes landed on silvery wings that were shimmering in the dim room.

"Kaito, I did not expect you to drop by. Nor did I expect for you to bring the fox spirit...what happened?" Quinton hid his wings taking a fully human form. The alicanto, a spirit known for their shimery wings and being a sign of good fortune for miners. Kaito had met him long ago the older having found him after a fight with Mizeal left the tengu unable to fly wings broken feathers missing.

"Mizeal didn't think things through and shot the pendant that was used to control Yuma. I'm not sure what's going on but hes in a lot of pain." Kaito explained as he followed the older spirit.

"I see, well as long as it's mainly intact Trey may be able to identify its origin. For now set him down I'll see what I can do for him." Quinton explained.

Kaito sets the fox spirit down on a bed that was usually reserved for guest. The fox however clung on to him not wanting to let go. "Yuma it's going to be ok, Quinton and his brothers are going to try and help you. You have to trust them." That seemed to calm him enough and he let go.

Quinton went to grab Trey so he can examine the pendant. "The pendant has been broken, it should be safe to handle." He explains to the pink haired spirit watching as his youngest brother examined the pendant.

Trey carefully removed the pendant from Yuma's neck. He traced his fingers along the setting of the pendant it was a gold color the crystal itself reddish in color. "I have no idea what this could be. I need to get a closer look." He placed his fingers on the cracked crystal yelping as the sharp edge cut his finger.

Quinton carefully grabbed his brothers hand to examine the cut. Before he could get a better look Trey ripped his hand away from him. The rabbit spirit holding his hand to his chest. "Trey? What's wrong?" Quinton reached a hand out for his brother.

"BACK OFF!" The cut on his finger dropped blood on to the fractured crystal. The cracks seeming to repair itself. The rabbit spirits eyes turned from green to red.

"Quinton the pendant break it!" Kaito said getting ready to restrain the spirit.

Before Quinton could even get close the Trey picked the pendant up. "Its mine!" He tried to flee the area suddenly being pinned down by a large wolf.

"Trey, snap out of it!" The wolf took a human for, them being the middle of the three brothers. "Just give us the pendant ok? Its messing with your head."

Trey struggled to get out of his brothers grip. "LET ME GO!" The spirit took its animal like form and darted away.

Kaito looked just as panicked as the brothers. "We have to find him and destroy that pendant before it can control someone else."

Quinton nods. "Me and you are able to get an aerial view, and if he wants to meddle again Mizeal can help. And Quattro you check the streets for him."

The spirits all went their own ways to look for Trey. They just had to hope they can destroy the pendant before it can do more harm.

Meanwhile the fox spirit laid curled up on the bed. A shadow and light appeared beside them. "Its time for you to meet your fate Zexal...I'm sorry friend." The light of the two spirits raised a dagger. "It will all be over soon."

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