Chapter 5: United

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The sun had begun to set around the Tree of Life. Kopa carefully watched Kion walk towards the tree itself. He saw Rani dash over to Kion when she saw his injuries and smiled warmly at their reunion.

Beskerm was beside Kopa and sighed.

"Where's Jade."

Vegter and Obasi laughed a little under their breaths.

"They should be back soon."

Vegter readjusted his back as the various claw and bite marks he sustained during the fight earlier flared up with pain.

"Vegter hate Radcliffe's soldiers."

Kopa nodded.

"Regardless, it's good Kion experienced them firsthand. Word of mouth will only go so far in convincing him. He's taken the first step in the right direction. Very soon, the surrounding lands will swear fealty to Kion and Rani."

Obasi nodded with Vegter confidently.

Beskerm didn't seem as sure.

"Convincing Kion and Rani perhaps. But what happens if any of the surrounding lands refuse to submit to them?" Kopa's companions glanced back at him.

"Let's not worry about that right now. Remember we don't have to persuade them. Radcliffe is more than enough persuasion. Right now we need to focus on convincing Kion and Rani it's the right thing for them to do. Which means we have to wait until the others get back."

Kopa waited several minutes. until finally the rest of his party arrived.

"There you are. You look like you had a fun day." Jade laughed as Beskerm approached her and nuzzled the lioness's head.

"Kuzimu." Beskerm growled. Jade and the others slowly nodded in understanding.

"It was a productive day, regardless. Kion is on the right track, what about Rani?"

Talib huffed with a content smile.

"She may not have seen Radcliffe's forces but she's finally seen the direct result of his corruption."

"Not only that but she's willing to directly involve herself to help lands beyond her own." Dakarai panted.

Kopa's smile grew.

"Kion and his Guard were seen as saviors. What about Rani?"

"It was perfect, the locals followed her as if she was already their Queen." Jade smiled similarly.

Kopa slowly nodded.

"Good, very good. Our next step is ensuring the strength of this Kingdom. Whatever is to come, Kion and his Guard cannot endure it alone."

"What do you have in mind?" Beskerm asked.

Kopa adjusted his back and stood up taller.

"I'm starting to feel a little better. You should all get some rest. I'll handle this myself."

"Kopa?" Vegter growled. The others looked just as concerned.

"Trust me, I'm fine. You all need rest more than me."

In the savanna, Kanda wrestled with Vadik and Vala by the long grass.

"I gotcha! Oh no, you don't!" Kanda playfully growled as she came down on the cubs.

Idan nervously approached Kanda from the brush and took a deep breath.

"Evening, Kanda."

"Oh hey, Idan, what are you up to?"

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