Chapter 8: Clash of Kings

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The Night Guard stood before Kion and Rani. Baliyo nearly trembled with wide eyes at his sister while Afia giggled.

"So you're like absolutely sure!?" Nirmala slowly nodded with a warm smile.

"Congratulations, we're so honored to be the first ones you told. Or is it just because everyone else is asleep?" Surak and Nirmala gave Afia a stern look but Rani was too overcome with joy to care.

"Rani, this is great. You guys." The young lion became lost for words.

Kion nuzzled Rani again before they both looked at Nirmala and Surak.

"You guys said you had news for us too." Nirmala and Surak both took a deep breath with hard expressions.

"Yes, after what happened with Shetani and our cubs. We've decided to leave the Night Pride."

Rani's eyes widened for a moment.

"You are!? But you've been part of the Night Pride since before I was."

"Rani, we've never looked down on our service in the Night Pride. But our cubs spend all their time with a sitter." Surak groaned.

Nirmala nudged Vala and Vadik as they rested between them.

"We almost lost them. I'd never been more scared in my life."

Kion looked back at Rani who slowly nodded with a sigh.

"You guys have served the Kingdom well. I can't blame you for wanting to leave because of this."

"We're going to miss you." Afia said.

"We're not leaving the Kingdom." Surak growled.

"You'll probably be up in the day though. Just like Rani." Baliyo chuckled.

"It's a hard choice but it's yours to make. It will be nice seeing you both more." Kion smiled.

Surak and Nirmala slowly gave more optimistic expressions.

"We have our replacements picked out already. They just await your final approval."

Afia and Baliyo moved aside to reveal another two Night Lions. The two monarchs quickly recognized them as none other than Idan and Kanda.

Both looked quite excited as they bowed before their rulers.

"Queen Rani, King Kion." Kanda said in a giddish manner.

Rani carefully gazed at the two lions.

"Kanda, Idan. Do you swear to uphold the laws and peace of our Kingdom?"

"We do."

"Do you swear to protect those who live here to the best of your abilities?"

"We do."

"Do you swear to follow the leadership of Baliyo?"

"We do."

"Are you prepared to give your lives for others?"

"We are."

"As Queen of the Tree of Life, I hereby grant you the rank of Night Pride guardians. May the strength of the Tree flow through you." Rani put her left paw on their right shoulders as the mark of the Night Pride appeared.

Both rose their heads in jubilance and the rulers smiled.

"Welcome to the Night Pride." Baliyo said.

"I hope you're ready for long nights and boring days." Afia laughed.

"Well if we're done here, we better get moving. We have poachers and territorial herds to hold off."

Lion Guard: King of LifeWhere stories live. Discover now