Trying To Be A Better Person

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I sighed letting my head sink down to my desk as the words of principal Layal droned on about the changes that were coming to the school on the loudspeaker. I heard some of the kids murmur about how this principle Chad guy was much better. I felt a paper ball swoosh past me almost hitting my shoulder. I looked around trying to find the culprit before another one hit me on the side of the head. Yeah someones gonna catch these hands later. I opened the paper ball to see the note 'Tic tac toe?'- Dottie. I flashed her a grin and a nod making a X on the left square.

The purple haired werewolf caught the paper ball as we began our tic tac toe war, granted we got a couple strange looks but we kept at it.  Soon the rest of the class caught on the game and we started the 'great paper ball tic tac toe war of 20xx'. Within the next 15 minutes the classroom was nearly full to the brim with paper balls. 

"I was gone for 30 minutes, why" Mr. Kevin said, wheezed in shock. Needless to say we all got detention for a week and a half. 


"Yeah so then Mr. Kevin walked in with the biggest look of disappointment ever" Dante said retelling the story to Aphmau, Blaze and Travis. I chuckled watching the dramatic way he explained what happened.

"Dang this really started because of Y/n and Dottie" Travis said winking at me. I swear ever since he started hanging out with Dante he's become such a flirt. Leaning against the wall I playfully rolled my eyes. I threw on my 'Heathers' hoodie feeling my phone vibrate through the pocket. Opening my text messages I saw one for Ein 'Where r u? Still waiting in the music room'. Crap crap crap I totally forgot we were working on our 'how to be a good alpha' lesson today.

"Oof guys I gotta head out forgot something!" I said. After a few quick goodbyes I made my way to the music room. 

"I heard about the paper ball thing" Ein snickered as I walked in. He was sitting on a wooden crate with his legs crossed. I snorted and tossed my backpack on the floor before reaching into it and grabbing a  black and white checkered notebook. Ein gave me a questionable look as I sat on another crate directly across him. 

"I got this so we can plan on how to get you into alpha material and me into a real werewolf" I said proudly as he skimmed through the pages.

"I guess this could work? Why were you late though" The blue striped boy said with a huff.

"Ah I was hanging out with Aph, Dante, Blaze, and Travis" I said casually letting my floofy black and f/c ears and tail pop out.

"Ugh those guys, It's better if you just stayed here" he said with slight possessiveness in his voice. I just brushed over it as him just wanting to become one of the alpha's faster.

"Ya do realize you're gonna have to tolerate these people once you become alpha right" I said staring into Ein's stormy grey eyes. 

"Plus become a better person" I added.

"Sadly" He sniffed in fake sorrow.

"So let's get going navy stripe" I beamed as I got my notebook and saw the level of cringe his face at the still used nickname.

"I think I'm having real regrets your just as bad as Aphmau" Ein said his palm covering hims mouth. While I sniggered at the disappointment on his voice from my on point pun game.


Pacing around in my room I glanced back at the notebook Y/n gave to me for now. We've been doing these "classes" and trying to teach each other in the music room now for a couple of weeks still sometimes hanging out after school. Honestly trying to be kind seems like a weak tactic but somehow working with Y/n makes it bearable.

These classes seem to be working. Aphmau has been giving me more of some of the Alpha males responsibility. Ugh it's exhausting pretending to be 'nice' and 'weak' in front of everyone, mainly those disgusting humans.

Ein thought combing his fingers through his hair. Jax and Ryder have been bothering me but they are just pawns until I can get the other werewolves on my side. 

And then there's Y/n... She's just starting to get to me in ways I don't understand. It's been bothering me lately small irrelevant things have been reminding me of her. Like how everytime I see a stupid rose I get reminded about the spring festival or when I think of all the things I'll do as alpha of the school I start to think of her being there.

"I hate this so much" I said, crossing my arms behind my head while I layed on my dark blue sheets. Besides I'm just using her to help me get closer to becoming the sole alpha of the school, right? If so then why does it bother me so much when she hangs around those weak humans so much... Maybe when we start doing more werewolf-like things she'll stop hanging out with them.

"Where's that keychain" I muttered to myself getting up and digging through my drawer. I held it in my hands and wondered why I've been wanting everyone away from her lately.

"I really need to clear my head" I said getting ready to go on a jog for a little while 'Become a better person' I'd rather pass.


💛Does anyone smell plot and character development in the air? Lmao get ready for some Ein vs Blaze action next chapter ✖✖✖

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💛Does anyone smell plot and character development in the air? Lmao get ready for some Ein vs Blaze action next chapter ✖✖✖

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