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The e/c eyed female stretched arms reaching for the sky. Her old white t-shirt slightly lifted showing the reddish blue marks along her hips and collarbone still sore from the night before. The bathroom was still slightly foggy from the shower you took together, as Ein went to check something in another room.

Walking down the stairs leaning against the pool table Y/n pondered on what to eat for breakfast. The jingle of the door handle chilled you to the bone as you whipped your head to the side. Heartbeat ringing in your ears you tipped up the stairs as fast as you could without drawing attention to yourself.

But you weren't fast enough.

"Who the hell are you?" A woman in her mid 20's exclaimed glaring at you. Frozen on the staircase, bottom lip quivering you opened your mouth to answer but came out due to shock. The coily purple and black haired woman got a good look at you before her eyes widened.

"You're that missing kid from Phoenix Drop?! Did that werewolf boy do something to you? My name is Teisha, do you need hel-!? Her words were cut out, by a loud bang and choking.

Ein stood before you holding a fire extinguisher as she dropped to her knees. Not even giving her a chance to get up he brought down the fire extinguisher erratically causing a crack and a horrid scream to echo.

"Ein what are you doing, stop!!" You cried out watching Teisha wither on the ground trying to fight back. What the fuck is happening, why did he just do that?!

"She doesn't deserve to look at you and live!?" He snarled. Ein jumped onto the women as she spat on about calling the cops, getting you away from him. Using the metal part of the extinuser Ein nearly ripped the woman's fingernail off in pure madness.

In that moment the gravity of the situation hit you. No more bubble, no more starting a new life, but the start of something truly awful.  As he continued to rage on you saw how his once silver eyes took on a dark shade, nothing but a addict's desire seemed to linger anymore. Hearing Teisha scream for you to help her as blood started to stain the floor you did the only thing you could think of.

"Don't leave!" Where the last words Y/n heard after slamming the door. Running barefoot, vision blurry with tears caused some attention to be drawn. Pushing some people out of the way she had no idea where she was going, only a sickly feeling seemed spread from the sound of Teisha's skin tearing.

Y/n stumbled and fell scraping her elbow on the gravely road. Nearly in hysterics she tries to drag herself up despite feeling the burning licking pain. The strong winds finally pushed her hair enough out of her eyes to see cruiser barrelling towards her.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck were did she go!?!" Ein hissed through gritted teeth. Scratching the blood off his arms and clothes he tried to find your scent, growing frustrated at the mingling scents. Passing through alleyways to remain undetected he grew more and more urgant. That grew into erratic carelessness.

"Did you see what just happened to that girl!!" Someone in the crowd grasped. Something in his gut told him it could be you.

"You're that wanted boy!" A man called out in recognition, his voice shrilling in horror seeing the dried blood flaking off Ein's clothing. Chaos seemed to ensue after that revelation on the street. Between the desperation of him trying to find you and the growing mob mentality from the people gathered on the walkway.

"Make sure he doesn't get away" a teen shouted as Ein shoved past him trying to reach the end of the road. STUPID HUMANS CAN'T EVEN STAY OUT OF MY WAY, I'M GOING TO FIND YOU Y/N!

"Call an ambulance, call an ambulance, but not for me! She's bleeding" Another person shouted out.

"Get off me" Ein yelled, as he was tackled by two people just before reaching the site of a crashed vehicle.


F in the chat for my girl Teisha 🤧

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F in the chat for my girl Teisha 🤧

𝔇𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔲𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔳𝔢 [Yandere! Ein x Reader]  #1Where stories live. Discover now