The Night Before

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Ein knew it was wrong to have his pawns spy on you if he wasn't able to.      

He didn't care because this was a lesser of his evils or that the amount of trouble he could get into was humongous. The only things he cared about were power and you. He had one of those things but could feel his composer shattering every minute he was away from you. Like an unhealthy addict Ein's moves became risker and risker for even a chance to get you to look at him.

In his mind you were already his and only his alone and mate, it was only a matter of getting you to stop avoiding him. Despite finding your witts charming and elusive Ein was beginning to feel jaded at how well you evaded him and spiteful of all your friends helping.

"Well what did you find?" Ein impatiently said.

"I saw her and the weak human with blue hair hugging alpha" Jax reported.

"I guess It's time to teach him a lesson to stay away from what's mine, but this time I'm not holding back" Ein sneered feeling iron hot rage and jealousy pulsing through the veins.

"I'm not sure why you're so interested in a human? But she seems to have feelings for you but is still mad at you" Jax finished off, waiting for further instruction. Ein grit his jaw so hard he almost broke a tooth from the news. As he plotted a million different plans to get you back Ryder called saying it was urgant. 

"I found out some information about who's participating in the werewolf games" Ryder said urgently.

"I guess we'll just have to cheat then, make sure he's injuryed" Ein said with a smirk after listening to Ryders gather intel on the werewolf games.

"I can't believe the werewolf games are tomorrow" You said, emitting all your panic and fears. Your fellow co-workers choose to ignore you, and all your inconsiting muttering throughout the afternoon. The last minute preparation had nearly driven you to your wits end between the constant fights and inconsistent information flying around. 

"Hey Lycan can cover for me on Wednesday?" The brown haired receptionist asked.

You gave him a 'girl really' look before responding.

"Remember when I asked for that same exact thing last week?"

"Okay fine I get it" He pouted, as you rolled for e/c hued eyes.

"Anyway I'm out" You said, radiating bad bitch vibes. Heading to the back you noticed your locker a small dent on the lock. Quickly jogging over you rummaged through your belongings in hope that you weren't robed. Okay this is really weird nothing missin- Wait my Heathers hoodie? Did someone seriously break into my gym locker to steal that, I loved that hoodie.

After reporting it stolen and your locker broken into the gym owner assured you it would be looked into.

Why does it feel like I'm followed or watched lately around school? Sometimes I can literally feel the hair on my neck stand but when I look around no ones watching me. Whatever, I'm not the kinda person to not trust my gut feelings, plus all this might be connected. Maybe I should tell someone but who, and Aarons been so distant lately?

As your thoughts ran and weaved into one another you didn't notice the dip in the sidewalk.

"Agh!" You hissed hitting the ground with a thud. You know what I'm taking the bus home today.

Meanwhile a few miles across from where you stood, Blaze held a ringing phone.

"Blaze how did you get my number?" Aaron asked sitting up from his bed.

"A couple of werewolf pups I know and your sister" Blaze said, feeling the soreness of his entire body after getting jumped by 5 other werewolves. Aaron hummed in response wondering what was going on at Phoenix Drop.

After explaining the situation in desperation Blaze finally exposed everything going on behind the scenes.

"I'm sorry Blaze but I can't leave the campus, but feel free to call me anytime if you need advice, but can I ask you something"  Aaron said softly, feeling the pricks of helplessness cover his heart.

"Yeah shoot" The red headed boy insisted.

"Is Aph and Y/n okay? Aphmau seemed kind of off when I was messaging her, and I have a lot going on right now so I haven't been able to check up on Y/n" Aaron said, trying not to focus on his untamed eyes.

"Ein took Aphmau's phone, it's really messed up and she decided to challenge Ein, if she loses she has to become his girlfriend" Blaze with a look of disgust.

"He's trying to win her like some prize?!" Aaron said angrily.

"Things are really messed up here dude I'm sorry to bother you with this stuff and Y/n it's personal you should talk to her yourself" Blaze sighed.  At this moment Aaron knew in his heart that he had to break free and do something.

"Blaze, I'll be there by tomorrow morning" Aaron determinedly said.

"You will?! But you said" Blaze responded shocked.

"I know what I said, but I'll find a way," Aaron said his lava colored optics shined with anger and readiness to make things right.

"ALRIGHT,WOO" Blaze cheered, feeling the hope flow back into his spirit.


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💥Things are going to get heated up 💥

𝔇𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔲𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔳𝔢 [Yandere! Ein x Reader]  #1Where stories live. Discover now