Chapter 18

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It is currently at night and Emil is at Star Creations celebrating the launch of their new game with his co-workers. "Our game is doing great in its first day lots of people are buying it!" Mr. Dolores said. "Yea all of our hard work paid off" Emil added. "Well we couldn't have done it without our great employees and staff, if we want to continue the success of our game we must listen to what the fans has to say" Mr. Dolores adviced. As they continue to celebrate Lora is at home eating dinner, while eating her surroundings change into a digital one once again,she closes her eyes as she hopes once she opens it again everything will be alright, she starts to hear loud walking sounds coming from outside their house, she opens her eyes and a monster tears off the front of their house and looks at her growling, Lora tries her best to get to upstairs and hide inside the bedroom and once again closes her eyes crying. Emil arrives at their front door ringing their doorbell, Lora hears and and opens her eyes and checks if it's safe to go, she wipes her tears and opens the door to greet her fiance. "Emil you're home!" Lora greeted. "Yea have you eaten dinner yet?" Emil asked. "Uhh.. don't mind that I saw in the news that everyone is going crazy over the release of Into The Arcane, I'm so proud of you!" Lora said. "Aww thank you, wait have you been crying?" Emil noticed. "Oh.. um.. I was cleaning and... uh.. some dust got into my eye but it's fine now" Lora answered. "I'm gonna go rest now" Emil said and kisses Lora. Lora then goes to sits down to finish her food.

It is now morning Emil gets his phone and tries to call Noah because he has grown concerned of his friend because he hasn't heard any news about his friend, he is also not coming to work for months since Viktor's funeral. Emil goes downstairs and greets his fiancee good morning and eats breakfast. "Hey honey have you heard any new about Noah?" Emil asked. "No I haven't, poor guy must be still sad after his best friend died im still sad for Viktor's death but we all must move on, just give him a few more time" Lora said. "Yea you're right I'll just give him more time" Emil replied. Emil goes to work and was called to go to Mr. Dolores's office to talk about something, Emil enters the room and sees Mr. Dolores with a girl that looks like a new employee. "Hello Mr. Dolores, what do you want to talk about" Emil asked. "I would like you to meet Ms. Garcia, she is our new employee and i want to get her a tour around Star Creations and I think you should give her the tour" Mr. Dolores said. "Me? why me? I haven't done tours before" Emil said. "That is why iw ant you to give her a tour it will be a learning experience for both of you!" Mr. Dolores answered. Emila agreed to give Ms. Garcia a tour.

They have currently arrive at their last stop, Emil's work place. "This is our last place before we end our tour this is where developers like me work at" Emil said. "This is where the virus was?" Ms. Garcia asked. "Yea.. wait how did you know about it?" Emil said. "I heard it from the news what happened was pretty crazy, I feel bad for that Viktor guy" Ms. Garcia said. "Viktor was my friend.. I owe him my life" Emil said. "Oh.. I'm sorry" Ms. Garcia apologized. "No, it's fine Ms. Garcia we all have to move on" Emil said. "Hey, just call me Camille" Camille said. "Sure, Camille this is now the end of the tour and we are looking forward to working with you, goodbye!" Emil said. "Thank you for the tour" Camille appreciated. Camille leaves and Emil get's a message from Noah saying "I'm fine", Emil sighed in relief.

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