Set in it's own parallel universe to ours, a man named Emil who works at Star Creations which is a well know company that makes quality games.
Emil runs into problems at work with a very shady group deep inside the web that wants to sabotage thei...
Lora wakes up to make breakfast for her and Emil, she decided to make eggs and bacon for breakfast. She cracks some eggs and fried some bacons, Emil wakes up to smell of breakfast and went downstairs. "Good morining honey, wow it smells so good!" Emil greeted. "It gets better when you eat it" Lora said smilling at Emil. Lora serves them their food and grabbed some orange juice from the fridge. "Wow it does taste good, im so lucky i have a great wife that can cook, our children will be so lucky to have a mom like you" Emil said. Lora giggles "Come home early tonight i will serve my family's specialty" Lora said. They finish breakfast and Emil gets ready for work. Emil kisses Lora goodbye and went to Star Creations.
While Lora is home she left to go to the grocery store to buy some ingredients for dinner.
Emil arrives and sees the same man from yesterday spying on him, Noah came to talk to Emil about files disappearing "Emil, i think i believe you know" Noah said. "Finally someone believes me here" Emil said. "I've managed to get in the dark web and found the same website that your fiancee found" Noah added. "Let's discuss about this later" Emil whispered. Noah went upstairs while Emil looked again for the guy stalking him but doesnt see him anymore so he went upstairs as well. Emil opens his computer and a message pops up saying "You should really look after your fiancee more". "NOAH LOOK!" Emil shouted as everyone looked at him. "You really didnt have to shout that loud, what is it?" Noah said. "Look at what it says!" Emil said. "Oh no... you should call your faincee if she's ok and tell her to not go out the house" Noah suggested.
Emil calls Lora and she picks up. "Hi honey" Lora greeted. "Are you ok?" Emil asked. "Uhh... yea i guess?" Lora said. "What ever you do, don't go outside!" Emil said. "Im at the grocery store" Lora asked. "Im trying to protect you i got a message saying i should keep an eye on you" Emil said. "Pfftt.... don't worry I'll be fine, i gotta go now bye!" Lora said as she ends the call. "She ended the call, but i guess she's right she can handle her own" Emil said. They continue their work until its time to go home.
Emil greets his friend goodbye and went home. He arrives at home just in time to eat. "Honey perfect timing, im about to serve dinner" Lora said. "Wow it smells so good! i can't wait to eat" Emil complimented. "wait no more because dinner is served!" Lora said.
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"Wow it looks so good! why dont you make this more often?" Emil asked. "Well it take a lot of time to make it that's why" Lora answered. "Let's dig in!" Emil said. They eat happily discussing about positive things when someone knocks on the door. "That must be Janna" Lora said. "What's she doing here?" Emil said. "She's paying us a visit with her daughter and husband" Lora said. "That explains why you made a lot of this" Emil added. "I'll open the door and greet them be right back" Lora said. She walks to the door and opens it, to her shock a hooded man was on their door holding a gun. As she realizes that, she was shot through the stomach by the man with no hesitation and runs off.
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Emil once he heard the gunshot runs immediately to the front door. He witnesses his fiancee screaming and crying in pain. Tears starts to come out of his eyes he falls to his knees as he now know what the message meant.