Chapter 17- Sayuri's Intervention and Kettles

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Sayuri had a tendency to throw kettles at people. Either due to actions that were considered dumb, it she merely found it entertaining. She gave great strength into her throw. It was a surprise she had not managed to shatter the earth to its core. You never know, though. "Now Sayuri. We are all worried about you."
"Huh why?" She seemed to groan at them slightly, looking like she was about to knock all of them out with her army of secret kettles.
"Because you get kettles out of fucking no where. It defies logic. And you throw them at every one." Sayuri was sat on a chair in the middle of the room, now holding another kettle. Every one was sat around her in different chairs, much like in a cultist's circle. Yuki was even apart of a cult herself, she was a satanist. Not that it mattered...currently.
"What do you mean fucking 'so'? They hurt a damn ton. And I need to meet my cult soon-you didn't hear that."
"Oh we did. Are you sure we shouldn't have an intervention for you?"
" you shouldn't. I'm quite alright."
In Yuki's hand, she held a cultist's knife, sharpening it and it was to make sure that Sayuri did not run away. As she had done so many times, running home to sleep. This time, she had different entities to make sure she did not run away. Being the leader of a satanic cult was rather fun, since they normally danced around a pentagram/fire in tbe middle of a forest. It was normally scheduled at daylight, though, since her entire cult was afraid of the dark.

It was to make sure after all. That she didn't get away.
"Wtf. What are you?" Yuki did a dramatic pose in fast movement, giving her own pedo look. It made the entire group sweat drop and wondered why they were friends in the first place. Except one. One decided to make the conversation more chaotic:
"Hey look, a little thirsty demon."
"I thought I told you to burn it?"
"Fucking excuse me? I am a fabulous demon. How dare you. But seriously, you need to stop throwing kettles at people. It is mean-OW THAT FUCKING HURT." Sayuri had thrown a kettle at Yuki, smiling like a Cheshire cat.
What a little shit. She was too far gone by this point.

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