(Chapter Five)

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(POV Rin Knightwalker)

As soon as the trio left, Cloud didn't hesitate to claim a spot near the back entrance of the small house. His lean body laid against the cool brick of the building, crossing his arms and closing his blue eyes. A sigh of relief passed through my lips seeing that Cloud wasn't questioning what happened back there. To me, it was shameful. It reminded me of what they did to me with all that mako. My body flinched at the memory of Hojo trying to infuse more mako into my cell-membrane. His wicked laugh and smile were basically imprinted into my memory. Shit. I shook my head, walking a bit over to the dazed blond. He seemed at peace at the moment and a part of me didn't want to disrupt that tranquility. My lips parted trying to find the right words to say. I felt like I didn't belong in this little clique and specifically, I felt like I wasn't needed. I didn't really care because, in the end, I was looking out for myself.

"Cloud-"I called out his name, he only grunted in response, keeping his blues closed. I rubbed my arm before finding the words that were stuck in my throat. The gentle breeze drifted by tossing the dead leaves that coated the streets. The uneasiness of the darkness settled in.

"I'm leaving, I'll just meet up with you guys tomorrow at seventh heaven." In a matter of seconds, Cloud's head sprung up out of thought. His blues widen a tenth of an inch as he stood up taller than his previous position. Why was he so shocked about me wanting to go alone? He couldn't have been worried...Cloud wasn't that same Cloud I met years ago. The Cloud who would smile and laugh with me but then again, I wasn't the same Rin... I wondered if he felt the same.

"Where are you going?" Cloud's voice was loud, everything was silent just leaving us two in the dead of night. I frowned a bit, holding the hem of my turtle neck in my hands. By all means, I wasn't nervous talking to him...more nervous about how Shinra is reinforcing their security. Mako reactor one was bombed so it was basically a given that they would be high on security come next time around. I shifted my gaze up to the blond's eyes. I couldn't read behind them unlike looking into anyone else's which I found fascinating.

"I'll manage on my own. I figured I could get into the warehouse on my own and see if I can get some documents." Besides, what if I found something about myself? For a second, I thought I could hear a low growl but it was gone as soon as it came by. There weren't any dogs around last time I was aware.

"Let me come with you-" Cloud was cut off by the sound of a light coming on. A fluorescent yellow pierced the air, illuminating a bright aura. That must've meant something because his body froze mid-animation, just before he could get ahold of my arm. I watched as his muscles tensed and untensed slowly. His facial features stressed as his brows knotted together slightly.

"Looks like you have to do something." I bated an eye at the back door real quick, "better get going." I hurried back to the street watching as Cloud indecisively struggled to pick. It was like his body was stuck in paralysis. Soon enough, I just left him alone, going my own way. I could practically feel his eyes lingered on my form until I was out of view. He had a job to do and I did as well. That was all we knew growing up to be SOLDIERS. I walked around the quiet streets until I came upon the Shinra 6-7 annex. About 40 feet ahead, guards littered the area, chatting amongst themselves as if they were friends. I hurried and hid behind a house that happened to be nearby and observed them.

"Shit."I murmured to myself, as I held my katana at my side. The only way I could go was on the rooftops. I sighed to myself, secretly hoping that running along the rooftop would be the best bet. I did what any skilled ex-SOLDIER could do and propelled myself off the street level and onto one of the many houses that occupied the area. With a flawless front flip, I was able to land on top of the house with ease. Thank god for that extended training. Without another waking thought, I ran across the rooftops, jumping from building to building with caution. As soon as I was close enough to the Shinra warehouse, I could see two security guards guarding the gate.

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