(Chapter Eight)

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(POV Cloud Strife)

"Took y'all damn near forever to show up. I was beginning to think y'all weren't gonna show. We got a job to do!" Barret's voice projected through the Sector Seven train station like a storm siren. If it wasn't obvious that we were planning something, it was now. People were starting to stare our way with no shame. Low rumbles of voices and chatter started to circle the area. Even the music that was playing in the square was turned down to a low. I grimaced a bit, glaring at a few unsuspecting victims that looked my way. Rin stirred a bit, uttering something far too soft under her breath for me to catch. Tifa, on the other hand, looked around mildly concerned but stopped once everyone went back to their activities. I scowled at Barret but before I could actually get a word out, the loud purring of the train's engine resonated. Steam discharged from the front pipe of the locomotive, departing over the small crowd of people waiting to get on.

"Looks like our ride is here. We better go before more eyes fall on us." Rin paused, "Especially if they fall on you." With that cryptic message, Rin carelessly walked up to the entrances of the train. She gripped her arms, almost in a protective manner, blowing her raven strands from her face. I followed right behind her, looking out for any suspicious characters. Although it wouldn't be a problem to take anyone out, it wasn't best to cause a scene. A small exhalation left my lips as my mako eyes bore into the steel train doors. The various scratch marks marked the door alongside with a few dents telling its own story. As soon as they opened, two Shinra guards elbowed past Rin, knocking into her shoulder roughly. Her body remained erect almost like the hit was nothing to her. She glared at the two but they only overlooked her, continuing on with their uninteresting conversation. Just as I was about to speak, I closed my mouth, not wanting to cause a scene. I had to remember that Rin can speak for herself. I'm not her bodyguard.

"I don't even know why they dispatched us here. I doubt the terrorist are here anyway. We don't even know what they look like at best!" The shorter of the two groaned, slouching. His gun lazily rested in his pudgy arms.  

"Don't complain. If we don't do this, our pay will get cut." I didn't bother looking at the guards, keeping my vision on Rin. Just when they were out of hearing range, Rin boarded the train, immediately walking back to the end of the train. Something seemed up with her...

"Cloud, wait up!" I turned to see Tifa jogging towards me with a puzzled look on her face. Instead of her relaxed features, her eyebrows were pinched. I already knew Tifa wasn't much for blowing reactors so seeing her like this wasn't new. I stopped in my tracks, allowing her to catch up to me.

"Think those guards will catch on to Jesse, Biggs, and Wedge while we are gone? I-I'm just worried about being found out." Tifa stuttered. I watched as she worriedly looked around, almost looking for anyone eavesdropping on our conversation. I felt a sigh work its way up my throat again. Tifa was always a worrywart. 

"It'll be fine."  I tried to reassure her the best I could contrive. I wasn't exactly good at it. Both Tifa and I walked aboard the locomotive, peering into the train cars. Not many people were on. Maybe one or two people sat on the seats while a good few stood. Guessing from the security increasing, people started to travel less. Again, I don't blame them.

"Barret, what exactly do you need me for?" I heard Rin's jaded voice. Upon turning around, I could see her idly chatting with Barret off in the corner of the first train car. The buff man crossed his un-weaponized arm over his chest. His face was hard and stiff and the corner of his lips was pinched into a scowl. Rin stared off a bit past Barret's face but it was pretty obvious that they were talking to each other despite Rin not knowing him that well.

"I've seen you fight and thought a little extra manpower couldn't hurt. Besides, aren't you and SOLDIER boy close? Wouldn't want to separate you guys from each other." The man chuckled a throaty laugh, watching Rin's face contort into a confused expression. I felt my face heat up at the thought of Rin being closer to me than a friend. Moreover, it was not like we had time for relationships. Rin's face instantly became soft and her cheeks were tinted a bit rosy. She was...blushing? 

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