(Chapter Eleven)

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(POV Rin Knightwalker)

Blinding white light was all I could see. I felt...cold and lonely. I sat on the nonexistent ground, gathering my thoughts as it was really the only thing I could do. Ever since Cloud left me... I didn't feel warm anymore. I closed my eyes tightly, biting my inner cheek softly. All of this was beyond what I could comprehend. All I knew was being a mercenary...an Ex-SOLDIER. Once again, I opened my lilac eyes but this time I saw something different. Something oddly familiar.

"W-what?" I whispered to myself, feeling the tense muscles on my body contract. Instead of the blinding white void I once saw, I found myself sitting in a bed of white flowers in a grass field. Soft peddles cushioned my body as the breeze pushed past my hair. The blue sly was as far as the eye could see. It was so vast that it made me feel lonely.

"Where am I?" I slowly pulled my body up, feeling the inner-workings of my body stretch and contract with every movement.  It wasn't until then that I noticed the strange tattoos embedded in my body. My ebony hair reached my ankles and my body gave off an ethereal glow to it that I couldn't really describe. I didn't remember looking like this. That's when I heard someone calling my name. Very faintly...

"Rin..." A warm voice rumbled in the air and soon enough, I was able to see a figure. I studied them with each climbing step...feeling unusually anxious. Upon seeing those familiar blue orbs and black hair, I felt my uneasiness fade away. A newfound calmness developed my form.

"Zack?! What are you doing here! Do you know where I am?"The words poured out my mouth as I ran over to him the best I could. Of course, I wrapped my arms around his broad form, squeezing with everything in me causing the six-foot man to groan. His chest rose up and down rhythmically, almost like a song to my ears. He was physically here. 

"Relax, I'm here!" I released the man to examine his features. He was the same old Zack as he was years ago. I felt tears swell up in my eyes as I was entirely at a loss for words. Zack only smiled that sweet smile of his as he ruffled my hair until his face went bright red.

"What's wrong? Why is your face so red?" I held both of Zack's cheeks only to see him avoid eye contact with me. A cough echoed from the man as he held his arm over his eyes. His lips trembled a bit.

"Y-Your clothing...where is it?!" At first, I was visibly confused until everything clicked. He was right, I stood stark naked in front of him...no shame at all. The only thing that really covered anything was the long ebony strands of my hair. I blushed deeply not knowing how to respond to his reaction but I didn't really care as I didn't see the man in years.

"I-I don't know. I sort of woke up here! Where are we anyway?"

"We're in my safe place..."

"Safe place...your safe place is a garden?" I watched as Zack kneeled down to the white flowers that littered the grass field, admiring them with a nostalgic smile spread on his face.

"Yeah...Anyway, it's almost time for you to go but promise me a couple of things." Zack peered up at me with his blue eyes, a hint of determination lingered in them. I simply nodded getting an odd feeling from the whole interaction. He was speaking like he wouldn't be able to do those things himself. 

"Of course-"

"Promise me to protect Cloud..." I nodded, receiving his message clear. I parted my lips to ask a question but even I felt that I wasn't ready for the truth yet. I knew this place wasn't real but rather a median between two worlds...like a purgatory.

"And...and If you meet a girl name Aerith....tell her that I love her." I watched as Zack's smile welt a bit. Aerith...who was Aerith? Yet again, I didn't ask. I nodded, resting my hand on his shoulder smiling down at the black-haired man. Apart of me didn't want to leave.

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