•Of all the right places•

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Edit: This is now it's own book! Check it out - 'All the Right Places' on my page now, with extra chapters!

Warning: contains references to suicide.

She stands a few feet away, towering above the world right on the edge. Her blonde hair blew behind her as the warm LA wind hits her face.

"Want my advice?" I speak quietly and calmly yet, her body shakes in fear of the unexpected voice behind her. "Don't look down." I whisper.

With that her head turns to look at me and then wait, I recognise this girl. Well, I think I do. The face is familiar, a passing smile in the school corridor perhaps? Except... She doesn't smile now.

"Do you often come up to the roof? It's just... this is kind of my thing and well, I've never seen you up here before." My lip quirks upwards into a half smile, I can't ever resist but joke in times like these.

She doesn't smile or laugh or even move slightly at my words. "Well," I begin climbing up onto the ledge beside her. "I don't know about you but I find LA looks prettiest from up here, I'm sure that's what you're here for too, right?"

My eyes wander down to the front of the building. The doors are open and fellow students are wandering in and out of the school, carefree, unaware of our figures looming over them. 

Her head is turned back forward now after watching me climb up onto the ledge with her. She doesn't look my way or acknowledge me in any form.

"Courtney Miller?" Her name left my lips and soared through the warm air, past her, like she never even heard it. "That is your name, isn't it?" I added quickly.

She does nothing but nod in my direction. I take that as a yes and continue my monologue. "Even the ugliest things looks pretty from up here." My pupils expand, taking in the vast view from the roof of our school. Down below us are a group of Courtney's friends, they haven't noticed us standing up here this whole time. They're too interested in themselves to care.

"Well most things look pretty. I can't speak for them." My finger extends to point at two girls, with two boys. One girl was blonde, your typical ditsy popular girl, from what I could tell, she was Courtney's best friend.

Alexa, I think her name is. Poor thing, didn't know about Amazon's plans 17 years ago. Beside her is Olivia, a kinder girl with long brown hair and brown eyes. Whilst she does hang around with this popular group, she isn't fully accepted because she didn't make the cheerleader tryouts, and Courtney did.

I knew this because I'd seen the popular kids, cheerleaders and football players. The typical combo for a group of hell.

Courtney manages another nod when I point out her friends. They're talking to two of the star footballers. I can't be bothered to remember either of their names.

It's a freak day in California and the clouds part for the sun while still sending down trickles of rain. The cool water begins to land on us.

"Shayne Topp." I confidently announce to her. "We have English together." She probably doesn't remember because I hardly turn up to the lesson.

Another moment of silence passes and I lift one foot up into the air and over the edge of the tall school building.

"Stop." Courtney says. The first words she utters as her head juts out all annoyed.

"Oh no, I'd never. This is too messy. Family would demand for an open casket and I don't think I'd look all that attractive from a drop like this." I shrug and put my foot back down on the ledge so she could stop panicking.

Courtney doesn't say anything so I turn around now, still standing on the ledge but looking out onto the roof. I see the door propped open a few feet away, behind it, our decline back into reality.

"I can recommend a different way. This is just all too messy. Hop down with me." I force a smile to my face, though it's the last thing I want to do right now.

She looks in my directions and attempts to turn on the spot like I did and I guide her through it as she gets wobbly. One wrong step and she's flat on the concrete steps, leading up to the entrance of the school.

I reach out and shuffle sideways to get close to her and I grab her right hand in my left. With a small squeeze to her hand I count to three and we jump.

Landing straight away on the flimsy roof of the school she comes out of her trance and curls up into a ball. Her hand is snatched away from mine and covers her face. She's not crying though.

"Oh my god." Courtney sighs in relief and shock and panic. All her emotions are showing on her face but she isn't crying, still.

I smile at her and she frowns at my inappropriate emotions. "You picked a shit day too, you can't kill yourself on a Tuesday," I pause and wait for the confusion to set in. "It's pizza day. Anyone who does it on pizza day really is fucked up."

Her mouth dropped wide open and she notices it quickly and snaps it shut but, before she regains her composure, I see the smile flash over her face at my joke.

"Courtney!" I could hear a voice calling from the staircase a few feet away.

"I wasn't going to..."

"Kill yourself? You can say it. It's really not that scary."

"Well I wasn't going to." She snaps at me, and for a moment I think she might hit me. Then before the voice that is calling her name grows louder she leans in close and whispers, "Tell anyone about this, and I'll kill you."

As she pulls away I see the smirk on her face and I smile right back at her.

"Court—" The voice has reached the roof top now and its Alexa followed by Olivia. "Ew, what are you doing up here with him?" Alexa's voice was familiar to me.

She'd bullied me since kindergarten, a incident in the sand pit had led to years of torture for me.

"Nothing." Courtney sighed, pushed past Alexa and sprinted down the steps two at a time. Olivia followed her immediately.

"Freak." Alexa manages to squeeze in before also following quickly pretending like she cares about her friends.

It was normal to me now, the names 'Freak' and 'Loser' and 'Jackass' and 'Moron' and 'Coward.' The list goes on but that last one had stuck.

I got the name coward for being unable to go through with my own suicide. This never actually happened but it was a rumour that got spread around the school when I had started skipping classes more often, and so the term 'coward' caught on quickly. Little did they know what really happened behind closed doors.

So I was reading the book 'All The Bright Places' and got inspired to write this. Hope you enjoyed. I played with the idea of an entire book around this but thought a oneshot would do for now. I might write a part 2 if anyone is interested?

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