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i don't mind clubs. i don't hate them but i don't love them. my relationship with them is like my relationship with taking baths as opposed to showers. i don't mind taking a nice bath, especially if it's with a person i like, but i don't like indulging in it everyday. i like the feeling of a quick shower that rinses off the sins and filth of my day instead of sitting in the same filth, surrounded by candles and calming music. i did like quick and easy in some aspects of my life.

jesse arrived in the front of our school in his freshly cleaned white jeep, with the top down since the spring weather was no longer crisp but not quite humid yet. the breeze gently blew his mess of brown hair in a way that would make nearly every girl within a ten mile radius drool. he was wearing a soccer sweatshirt from our college with a pair of aviators propped above his eyes.

"i call shotgun!" i yelled, running past spencer and leaving him behind. jesse unlocked his doors quickly and i secured the passenger seat and buckled up a full minute before spencer even reached the back door.

"fuck you and your cross country skills. that shit's the gayest sport anyway," complained spencer, slightly out of breath.

"hey, don't be a little bitch because you lost a race," i taunted back, turning behind to face a sulky spencer before i connected my phone to jesse's speakers. being in control of the aux is the only reason to call shotgun.

"any suggestions?" i asked, wanting to see where tonight's mood was.

"fuck it, play for my dawgs by waka," replied jesse, keeping his attention on the road. i searched for the song and the sound began pouring from his speakers and into the streets of new orleans.

"i have a bottle of jack back there if you guys wanna pre-game a bit," said jesse. spencer shifted in the backseat slightly, produced the bottle and raised it in the air. i heard the bottle open and the sound of a gulp right before he passed it to me. i took a swig, ignoring the slight sting and passed it back to him.

"let's get it on baby!" shouted spencer, his voice blending into the music.

the club was packed, as expected for a friday night. as embarrassing as it sounds to be a regular, the combination of having both real ids and drinking heavily led to us getting in without a hassle and having any arguments.

"joanne texted me! she said she's on our way!" shouted spencer, his voice barely louder than the music playing.

"joanne? she's that sophomore on the swim team, right?" inquired jesse, a bottle of beer in each of his hands as he returned from the bar.

"yeah, she's great at stroking!" joked spencer.

"spence, are you dating her or are you just fucking her?" questioned jesse, handing me a beer and then taking a sip of his own.

"i'm just fucking her, dude. i don't want to be committed to any-fucking-thing right now."

"just because she's on the swim team doesn't mean you should use her just to get your dick wet," i interjected. i had no personal or moral obligation on whether two consenting adults should have sex or not, but i wondered how joanne felt about spencer. despite his habits of just having casual sex, i could already see that sam gave him those wistful puppy eyes during our weekly chapter meetings.

"dude, if i end up wanting to fuck her forever, i'll do it. i'll wife her," replied spencer. he pulled his phone out of his pocket and began texting.

"hey, joanne's waiting for me at the front. i'll see you guys in a bit," said spencer, as he zigzagged through people away from us and towards her.

"paul, if i tell you this, can you promise not to tell anyone?" asked jesse, in a voice that was quiet compared to the loud noise of the club.

"totally man. what's up?" jesse took a swig of his beer and then a deep breath.

"i think i like joanne."

"wait what?"

"i know, i know. she's obviously into spencer if she's okay with just having sex with him but i think i really like her. i'm in her study group for microbiology and i think she's just really fucking cool-"

"hey guys! you've met joanne right?" yelled spencer, his voice somehow piercing through the music. joanne was wearing a strapless top with high-waisted jeans, the sorority equivalent of spencer's stereotypical frat guy outfit.

i'm not totally sure about joanne's story. the only things i really knew is that she was rumored to have a butterfly tattoo somewhere, a caffeine addiction and a thing for kinky sex: things that were either potentially true and weren't too far-fetched or just random rumors generated from the suspicion that her family was deeply into mormonism and had possible ties to joseph smith back in the 1800s.

"i've had the honor," i said, waving at her with my free hand. she smiled widely at me and then shifted to jesse.

"jesse, you look great! i'd swear you were a fashion major if you weren't a god at biology!" said joanne, handing her drink to spencer so she could hug jesse. i watched as he wrapped her arms around her and seemingly released whatever non-sexual tension he had.

"ay, paul. come with me to the bathroom," requested spencer. i followed him through the throng of drunken and excited people to one of the grossest places in the city: a men's bathroom in a busy club.

surprisingly, the bathroom was empty and only smelled vaguely like piss and puke.

"aight, you can't let jesse know, but i scored some coke," began spencer, reaching down and into his left shoe. he took it off and held up a small bag filled with a white powder.

"are you sure that's coke? how much did you pay for it?" i asked.

"i paid $200 for it, it better be fucking real," sneered spencer. he walked towards a sink and poured the contents of the bag on the side of it. i took the signal and took my wallet out of my pockets and handed him a debit card. i watched as he divided the pile into two lines rather quickly and then as he pressed a finger to the right side of his nose then snorted the line. he tossed his head back and blinked rapidly.

"dude, come do your line before i fucking do it." i mimicked his snorting method and felt powder enter my nostrils. as soon as i finished my line, i felt my eyes begin to water and i blinked away the tears.

spencer had his hand on the door of a bathroom stall, balancing himself and breathing deeply.

"how do you feel man?" i took a deep breath before i responded.

"i feel blood. rushing everywhere," i finally managed to reply.

"hopefully it's straight to your dick. i told mary landry to meet us here with her fire crotch," replied spencer.

"i don't have any condoms, dude."

"when you're on coke, you don't have to worry about cumming. i've jerked off for hours on this shit and i couldn't even bust a nut. i even watched some real fucked up shit, bro. i'm talking twin redheads fingerbang each other while they're in a kiddie pool."

"send me the link to that."

"okay. you ready bro?"

"yeah, totally." maybe it was the coke talking, but i just wanted to shove my dick inside of something, anything, to get rid of this excess energy.

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