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it was my final night on campus as a sophomore, so spencer felt obligated to invite sam and i invited lara over so we could hang out and be together for the final time this semester. we each had a beer in our hands, even lara, who was usually into sipping wine only.

"god, this summer is gonna be amazing. you guys are all invited to my place next friday," said spencer. his shaggy dark brown hair was now an effective lacrosse flow that he ran his hands through at least six times per hour.

"i'll be there," replied sam. sam's slim figure heavily contrasted spencer's heavily toned swimmer's body, especially as sam shifted himself to sit partially on his lap.

"paul and i are scheduled to make an appearance," quipped lara. she took small sips of her beer while the rest of us were taking large swallows.

"let's see. jesse, john gordon and brady can't make it but j.d., zane, aaron and blane can," said spencer.

"amelia, diane and echo might wanna go," offered lara.

"invite them. this is gonna be a fucking rager," ordered spencer.

i was three beers deep when i rested my head on lara's shoulder while she ran her fingers through my hair. her touch was therapeutic and sent tingles down my neck that traveled to my spine. i dozed off, after we shifted so that she held me and my head was on her chest.

i knew exactly how i felt about lara. i knew that i wanted to be with her as much as possible, for as long as possible. i knew i wanted to be in the front row of her life, supporting her and being with her. i refused to do it any other way and i'm not sure how i did it without her for so long.

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