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"so you guys just cuddled? nothing else?" questioned spencer. we were sitting on our own respective beds, drinking beer as usual on a typical tuesday.

"yeah. i wouldn't have minded fucking her, but neither of us had condoms and she stopped taking her birth control a while back. but i just liked being close to her," i explained.

"whoa, whoa. you're telling me that if she was still on birth control, she would've let you raw dog her?"


"she's totally into you, man. diane still makes me use condoms and i've known her for way longer than you've known lara," interjected spencer. he finished his first can of beer and threw it across the room and quickly opened another can.

"you think she's into me?"

"okay, so she's a major geed, right? she doesn't like frat guys and she's all like greek life is a cult or some shit like that, right? but you come around, you get her to go to a semi formal with you and she has you in her house? you're like, the god of seduction, man. teach me your ways," rambled spencer. i continued sipping my beer, before formulating a response.

"i wanna do more than just fuck her, ya know? i want something serious with her. i just feel comfortable around her, like i've known her my whole life," i explained.

"someone's in l-o-v-e," teases spencer.

"i wouldn't say i'm in love. i just like being with her."

"are you gonna see her anytime soon?"

"tomorrow night and i'm going to baton rouge with her saturday," i replied. spencer stood up and walked to his dresser, opening a drawer and digging around, eventually producing a handful of condoms and tossing a few at me.

"i have a feeling, like in my stomach, that you're gonna need these sometime very soon."

i picked lara up from her house, waiting as she put her guitar case in my backseat and got in the passenger seat, buckling herself up. she was wearing a yellow jimi hendrix t-shirt with a pair of light blue jeans, her signature style.

"you look great tonight," i complimented, as i began to drive off towards the cafe where she was set to perform.

"so do you," she replied.

i ordered a medium iced green tea again and settled in the same spot i did the week before. lara seemed to be more comfortable in her spot, in front of everyone, and she was tuning her guitar right before she adjusted the mic to her level and began to speak.

"um, i'm performing a few songs tonight. bubblegum and ladybug seem to be really popular so i'll perform those first and afterwards, i wanna debut one i really like and then i'm gonna do a, um, lana del rey cover," said lara, in a statement that was a non-stop sentence.

lara performed the first two songs, which i had heard last week and sounded just as good today as the first time i heard them. she seemed a bit more confident tonight, despite the fact more people were here and were focusing on her.

i continued to sip my tea sporadically while lara performed and as she began a song that was unfamiliar to me.

"sometimes i feel like i just wanna go back to my old ways, you're telling me i'm silly. it's no fun in the old days, i'm such a romantic," sung lara. this song had a quicker and a more upbeat tone than her previous ones and i liked it a lot. after, she began strumming the tune to a song i immediately recognized: cinnamon girl by lana del rey. i simply took the song in, unable to focus on the lyrics until she got to the chorus.

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