Chapter 4

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She was lying on the couch. There were bottles of wine all around. Her eyes were puffy which pointed that she was crying too much from the last few days. Von helped us clean up the place. The whole house was like as it has suffered a disaster. She was asleep at the moment. The bleeding hadn't stopped completely. There were bullet wounds on her arms.

Von's parents had also came by. Akira was drunk at a very dangerous level but still she was speaking which was quite unbelievable. Von's parents helped her up. She started muttering something in her half dazed state.

"Don't do anything to my parents Itish. Please leave them. We will leave the company but please let my parents live. Please Itish."

"What's up with her parents?"

Von's dad was curious. Her condition was very bad. I was thinking if she will be able to survive till the evening.

" Her parents were murdered a month ago before she came here."

I looked for mobile so that we can call any of her relatives. Relatives, if any was alive. The mobile was locked. Von's parents went out so that they could bring some medication and decent food for her. 

Just then her mobile started ringing. Andy. Maybe her brother. I picked up the call.

" Why weren't you answering the call. You are making me feel stressed. Are you all right. The teachers have been reporting that you didn't went to the school since last week. What's up?"

"Well, she is drunk and her wounds are not healing. "

"Who's that now?"

"I am her classmate."

" Listen to me carefully, normal medicine won't help her heal her wounds. Go to the room in the basement. If it's locked then go to the garage, there is a robot. He will unlock the door for you but he won't go inside. There is a compartment to the left where there are many chemicals. They are harmful so wear gloves and mask. Mix them all in a container two ml of each. And then apply it on her wounds but don't let them touch your body. I will send someone here."

" But won't the chemicals harm her? She is also one of the Homo sapiens only."

"Just do it. And don't use normal medicine or it will hurt her even more."


We went to the garage. Toni. That was the robot. He opened the basement door for us. There were so many screens in there. The buzzing sound of the machinery filled the room.

There was a stack of papers at the centre desk and many mechanical tools lying there along with a drone. Out of curiosity I picked a paper from the stack.

Mind stimulated bombs. That was written on it. Then there was written about some connection with the chip in the brain. What the heck was that. There were some gloves on the table. I took them. Von was doing all that chemical stuff. On one other paper it was written that the gloves controlled the drone. But it wasn't complete. I decided to try it. The drone flew the way I moved my hands. The thing completely blew my mind. It was flying as directed by the gloves. They were normal gloves but there were some metal strips on them. The same were on the drone. I had never heard of such thing. 

Suddenly the drone lost its control and it crashed on the container in which Von was preparing  the medicine. The contents spilled on the floor. The floor was made of titanium. Stains appeared on it and some part of the surface got corrosive due to the acid. What would happen to us if that spilled on us. 

Von was frustrated and started preparing it all over again. He was clearly angry with me. I ignored it. I went to the other side of the lab. There were some papers about Akira. I found them interesting. That told that the chip was in her brain. 

There was further stated that she was working on a project about vampires. But they didn't existed. That was also written there. It stated that they were cold blooded means they had three chambers in their heart while humans have four. She was going to work on that project after the mind stimulator one was going to be completed. Whoa! She was trying to make humans vampires or cold blooded mammals. That was mind blowing. 

On the other side, there was a design of a car. It was nothing like the one available in the markets. It was a weapon made car. All parts of it had weapons. They could drawn out and can be used against the enemy. It was still in the designing stage only. There was a chamber behind that design.

That was a weapon designing area. There were weapons in different stages of development. There was a shooting range too. Many weapons there were completed. Akira had some weapons in the testing area. They were very different. I was about to try one when Von called out. I immediately rushed back to home placing the things as they were.

It was a fuming liquid. Akira was still in her drunken state. The wounds healed as soon as we let the liquid fall over them. She was experiencing some pain because of it. But her wounds were healing quickly. Just then Von's parents arrived. They wanted her to have some food but she was drunk. 

We called Andy again to ask for some chemicals so that she can sober up.

" Hello. Is she fine now?"

"Well, her wounds are healing but can you tell us a way so that she can sober up?"

" There's no need for her to do so. She needs some rest. Put her headphones on and let her have some sleep. Sometimes alcohol is required for the betterment of the body. Her friend will be there tomorrow. Till then please take care of her. Call again if you need anything. And don't let anyone else come here. Specially from companies."

" Well, Itish already knows that she is here."

" How's that possible?"

" Akira had a fight with her daughters. They were in this city only. He had not to attack till school as Akira had already used them as a bargain. She will be safe."

" Fine, I am busy now. I will hang up."

That was the thing. We put her headphones on and let her sleep properly on the couch. We went to her room. There was video playing.

It was the same video in which Akira and her brother had barely escaped from her death. Then there was other in which Itish killed her parents from his own hands. That was too much for a teenager to handle. If it would have happened to me, I would have committed suicide until now. She was too mature for age.

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