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jaehyun woke up to the warmth of the sun shining from his bedroom window. a smile crept on his face as he remembered the incident last night.

his face fell into a frown as the side of his bed was revealed unoccupied. he felt relieved as soon as he inhaled the smell of fresh-made pancakes and eggs.

jaehyun rushed downstairs to see yeseul in his oversized hoodie flipping pancakes. he slowly creeped behind yeseul and back-hugged her.

"oh my god you scared me, jaehyun" she said flinching at his touch

"you scared me more baby, i thought you left me again" jaehyun deep, hoarse voice sent butterflies to her stomach.

"i can't promise not to do it again, though" yeseul said jokingly

the boy was frowning as he heard what she said. he turned her body towards him as soon as she finished cooking. yeseul just chuckled at jaehyun's action and ruffled his hair.

"im joking, stupid" she said and gave him a peck on the lips.

jaehyun's face softened from her actions. before she could continue preparing the food he grabbed the hem of her hoodie. it was a small gesture but yeseul could barely move because he was so strong.

"you kissed me and you think I'll let you go just like that?" jaehyun let a chuckle and gave yeseul his gummy smile.

jaehyun kissed her lips passionately and smirked as he felt her respond. he held her face to deepen the kiss and it was such a heated moment. jaehyun went from the lips down to the neck and he decided to mark what's his.

"MY EYES!! AAAAA" the door suddenly opened and the rest of the 127 members looked at what was happening. haechan was running around screaming.

jaehyun and yeseul distanced themselves to not let the others know they just had a 'moment'. but it didn't work since both of their lips was red and swollen.

"yeah and he was all like- why is haechan screaming bloody murder?" hana stated

"oh shit!! yall caught red handed" aera said


the whole group was watching shrek on jaehyuns tv. the girls sat on one couch while some of the boys was on the floor laying and on the couch.

yeseul was fidgeting besides haera. she felt guilty to get caught kissing her best friends long time crush. she was also the one who warned her about him. look at how the tables have turned.

haera found yeseul scratching the sides of her thumb; that was one way she would fidget.

"yeseul," haera held her hand to make her stop. she then grabbed yeseul to a quiet place to talk.

"what's wrong yeseul?" she asked

"i- im sorry" yeseul replied

"for what?" she asked waiting for an answer

"I don't know, i just feel guilty kissing him, and i-" yeseul was stopped by haera

"yeseul, you don't have to be sorry, me and jaehyun were never together - sure i had a huge crush on him but he rejected me and i have no right to be mad at you. and i feel like he really likes you dude" she said smiling at the last sentence. yeseul hugged her friend as she felt more relieved.

"and I already like someone else" haera added

"taeyong?" yeseul replied and smirked as soon as she saw her best friend blush at the name.

the two of them went back to the living room where the movie was playing. she could already hear taeil and donghyuck bickering on who was the best character.


the rest of the group went back home well besides jaehyun and yeseul of course. the two was cuddling on jaehyun's bed. yeseul was running her fingers through his hair while he was hugging her waist.

"jaehyun" she voiced out

"yes?" he replied with eyes closed

"do you actually like me or do you just want to fuck me and ghost?" she asked genuinely curious

"kang yeseul. what nonsense are you talking about?" he said with a stern voice.

"to be really honest I don't really care if you just wanna fuck but do give me a heads up so I won't cry my eyeballs out later haha" she replied.

"kang yeseul, i think it's pretty damn obvious on how much i like you. do you not realise how many times I've courted you? and coming that from me, a fuckboy just like you say, i think people know how much i fucking love you no?"

"well that's what they say in the first months but then eventually leave me, so" she said.

"baby, I'll be honest here okay? we can't control our fate, maybe you weren't meant to be with lucas, maybe we too aren't meant to be but deep down i love you so fucking much i can't put it into words. I don't know what we are going to be in the future, but i would just want to cherish what we have together right now. i love you okay?" jaehyun replied with all his love and emotion

"im sorry im just a little paranoid. i love you too baby" yeseul said tears forming in her eyes.

jaehyun pulled her tighter into his embrace. the couple exchanged more conversations through the night and finally went to dreamland

a/n: this book finna end in a couple mor chaps 😳

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