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"are you feeling okay?" nari asked the girl who was sitting in front of her.

"yeah, im getting better i guess" yeseul definitely was not feeling any better. her eyes and nose was contradicting towards her words.

"so did i or did i not sleep with hangyul?" yeseul was lowkey annoyed with the thought of not having the answer.

"no, no you did not. even though hangyul really likes you, he wouldn't stoop lowly and get in the way of you and jaehyun. it was his first time seeing his ex best friend smile sincerely in the school halls." nari replied with a big smile on her face.

"ex best friend? hangyul and jaehyun?" yeseul was shocked, she never thought the two were friends.

"yeah. hangyul and jaehyun were best friends in high school but then they had a miscommunication and jaehyun's impatience wasn't helping for the situation. then, they just stopped talking to each other. that day went pretty much the same as your break up" nari sighed and took a sip of her coffee.

yeseul looked down on her hands, felt relieved after she had heard the truth. though now, it won't really get her back to jaehyun.


yeseul was now back at her shared apartment with hana. her cozy bed warmed her up as she stared at her empty ceiling.

jaehyun's cologne was still lingering on her bed from the days they would be cuddling.




i don't even know if you're even gonna see my texts but i talked to nari today and she assured me that i didn't cheat on you. if i did, i would've been honest, jaehyun. you know me. you know me better than my best friends.

johnny told me you're gonna study abroad in america now.

that's amazing!!

have fun there <3

um i guess that's it. just know that I'll always be here supporting you.

i love you so much jung yoonoh.



the night went on with light snorings of the girl who was now in dreamland. little did she know the delivered sign was quickly turned into seen.

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