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This is my newest book I hope u all like this is a BrightWin and MewGulf and yes I love this 4 humans💗💗😍 well let's get started


"P'Gulf are u sure you know where we are going?"Win said worriedly

"Ofc I do were almost there"Gulf said 'sigh' "u said that the last time I ask....were lost aren't we" Win said quite annoyed of the older guy

"I'm sure we're almost there it said on my phone" Gulf said showing Win his phone
"Ok whatever let's just go" Win said pushing Gulfs hands away "and is also getting dark'sigh' I'm Soo frustrated because of u~"Wib said getting more annoyed of the older guy"Ughhhh-" "Shuuu"

Gulf cover Wins mouth Win made a 'what are u doing' face "I heard something"Gulf whisper and letting go of Wins mouth...and then there was another noise again but the noise sounds like it was coming in there back they turn there head but before they can see who was the person who made that's noise someone hit there head hard and there black out

Wins pov

When I open my eyes I Soo a unfamiliar room I was looking around and I Soo P'Gulf tied on a chair I was about to go to him but I realised that I was also tired in a chair "P'Gulf!"I wisper shout "P'Gulf wake up!" I yelled  alittle louder this time "mmmm what's happening" Gulf said opening his eyes "we got kiddaped" I said to him

Then we heard the door opening "Well well well aren't the two sleeping beauty finally awake" a guy said but I couldn't see his face  bc it was to dark

"What do you want from us!" Gulf shouted is rage of anger and worries "oh clam down Gulf nothing bad is gonna happen to u well not just yes....I guess" he said as he laugh evily

"Anyways do U two miss me" he said coming closer I was shook by who the person was

'Lhong!"I said "what are u doing I thought we were friends" i said

"Friends" he laugh "we were never friends"he said seriously " I was only using U for money ofc" he laugh evily one's again

"And selling u two will really give me alot of money" he laugh like those weird drink ppl or something

"Sell what do U mean by sell us" Gulf said before Lhong can say anything someone knock on the door

"Oh there here!" He said " who's here" I said to him " the person's that gonna buy you both ofc" after saying that he when out "P'Gulf what are we gonna do" I said scared "idk but keep ur head up dont look like your scared ok"Gulf said confidently but you can still hear the worries in his tone

After I few minutes Lhong come in again but someond was behinds him

He untie us and pulled both of us "here u go" he said the two other boys was about to hold us when Lhong pulled us back "the money" he said after giving the money he hand both of us to the two men

'So much of straying to be brave 'sigh'" I said in my mind


Well this is it for now I hope u injoyed this and sorry if it's not really that good I promise I'll improve

Here are the main character:

Here are the main character:

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Cute right😇😇😣

Cute right😇😇😣

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Here's other cutie😍

Here's other cutie😍

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Hot isn't he😏

Hot isn't he😏

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Here's other handsome men
I'm I right or I'm I right😁

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