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Here the next chap sorry for the late update


" P' this is scary....maybe ur brother is fine and-" " GULF! I'm scared too okie but we just have to ask I'm worried"

And we finally arrive in front of those two devil's office

" P' u knock" Win said " Why me!" Gulf said wisper shout "BC ur the one who wanna do this!" Win wisper shout also

They keep arguing wait each other that they didn't realise that someone open the door

"What are u two doing here" a scary voice that sounds like it can kill here and now said

"Um-umm....P' Gulf Have Something to tell u" Win pushing Gulf closer to that Mew guy

Gulf glared at Win

Gulf's pov

I looked at the guy who said that

and I just realised how beautiful his eyes are wait what the heck did I just said that

" Hey!! I said what are u doing here" Mew said getting annoying

Then I and back to reality "oh umm....I have something to as-ask"

Here the new update sorry is short 😁 I'm quite lazy this days doing nothing 😒

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